haha...guoliwei mm, good gggood job. you are a perfect editor.
以下是引用stoneren在2004-9-30 11:51:00的发言:
When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
The controversy over whether luck is a useful factor in people’s success simmers, and it divides scientists, politicians, businessman and even students on both sides. Some people of them (you mention scientists politicians) insist that when people succeed, it is because of due to hard work, and luck has nothing to do with such success. As far as I am concerned, I support the position that hard work is one of the most important factors in people’s success, but it does not mean that luck is useless in the still contributes to success. In certain circumstance, people almost cannot gain success without luck. In the following analysis, I would like to present several reasons to support my position.
Above all, in most of people’s success, hard work is elementary. Such opinion can be testified by examples easily found in our life. To be a student of top university, we have to study hard, and make a good grade in the test of GRE, GMAT or LSAT. In such test, luck is not very useful, but hard work is critical. In the company, the chances of being promoted are mostly based on your achievement, which is related to your hard work. Perhaps luck is helpful in certain circumstance, but it will not be the essential in the situations I present above.
However, in some other circumstance, luck will exhibit its ability to improve bring people to success. Newton, one of the most famous scientists in the history, discovered the gravity and invented the widely known Newton-first-law. It is well known that Newton saw the apple dropped when he was thinking anything else, and such dropped apple gave him hint relative related to his research that was developed into the fist law of Newton, which establishes his reputation in field of physics. Newton worked hard and is competent to be a physical scientist even he did not invent such law, but without that lucky apple, perhaps he will would not attain such great success in his life. It is obvious that hard work and luck combo can boost people’s success.
The story about the invention of Coco-cola is another interesting example that can support my position. The chemist who invented Coco-cola did experiment in order to achieve another aim (need detail). But in the end, such chemist did not achieve his goal, yet found that the final produce tasted good. Such produce is the most important thing ingredient in Coco-cola. Nowadays, Coco-cola is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and the luck in its invention is tightly related to its success. Such kind of luck is common in field of chemistry, biology and archeology.
In conclusion, to be successful, people need not only hard work, but also luck with them. In certain circumstance, people will be hard to succeed without luck, even such people work very hard. At least, combining hard work and luck can make people gain their success more easily.
it is still a good essay, especially the supporting examples. your conclusion is excellent( i am learning). guoliwei mm has a lot of deep insigh. |