以前从没考过gt,第一次写twe,不知道别人是不是也这么痛苦。分了2次才写完,还是拼命逼自己才完成的。时间也不去算了,真的算起来大概2个小时不止。n多地方不知道要怎么表达,只能拿金山词霸查,查出来的词心里根本没底。写完过了几个小时后修改,结果发现词汇极其贫乏,翻来覆去那几个词,而且观点论述也罗嗦重复。结果最后字数也并不多,我却觉得已经写到无话可说了 10月就要考了,怎么办呢?心里很急,不知道twe要练多少才能比较像样呢? 大虾们如果有空帮忙看一下吧,如能提些意见,感激涕零 twe4. It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? Knowledge gained from experience and that from books are the two major sources where people’s knowledge come from. When asked about which source is more important, the majority may choose experience. Others, however, like me, would like to vote for books, from which gaining knowledge is more efficient, widely-covered and systematic. No one can deny the fact that acquiring knowledge from books is far more efficient than that from experience. In the time of information explosion(在信息爆炸的时代是否这样说?), efficiency is of vital importance and everyone wants to get more information in less time. By books, we can understand a principle in a single day which may have taken the experts several years to discover(能否用discover a principle?), we can quickly go through the thousand-year-history in several hours, and we can learn about a foreign country without having been there for a minute. Furthermore, books has another conspicuous benefit, that is its universality(广泛性用这个词合适吗?). Human’s life is finite, too short to experience everything in this (此处想用一个表示“广大”的形容词,不知用什么合适)world. Often there are things that ordinary people cannot experience in their lives. But by reading books, which cover almost every field in this world, can provide what they want to know. For example, only few people can set foot on the moon, but we can also know the details about the moon by reading relevant books. In addition, knowledge gained from books is more systematic. The knowledge which comes from experience is concrete, specific but often scrap(这几个形容词不知用得对不对,想表达“具体,有针对性,但比较零碎”), while knowledge acquired from books is more systematic and can give an abstract overview. While it is true that in learning practical activities such as swimming, experience plays a more important role, I think that gaining knowledge from books weighs more because nowadays, we need to know things more quickly, widely, and systematically.结尾是不是最好再写点什么?可是我已经想不出来了-___-||
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-26 23:35:46编辑过] |