以下是引用jiemingm在2009-1-17 13:54:00的发言:我知道这个项目是EDHEC最好的项目了,一般都可以申请到奖学金吗? 现在申请还来得及不? the deadline is Jun, so u still have enough time. but better to apply before Feb or Apr, as the scholarship selection committee convenes at Feb and Apr to decide the scholarship allocation. In my case, I request urgent result 2 weeks ago and i got the admission on 15 Jan. I called the school immediately asking for the scholarship. Maureen called the commitee and offered me the 30% scholarship at the same day (15 Jan) I think more people have chace to get scholarship, at least Maureen explained such to me. she said the reduction from 50% to 30% aims to offer scholarship to more candidates. But, she added that there were many applicants now. There are also other programs. It may be earier to get scholarship in other programs. good luck...
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-17 15:42:04编辑过] |