以下是引用xingsdyt在2008-4-20 12:42:00的发言:Here are the reasons: 1. Branding: Insead is less known in HK / China /US (very different from the previous posts – can someone give more color on this?? ) 2. No internship. (How big an impact this is for the Insead September intake in switching career?) 3. Both will provide similar interview oportunities, but the “Yale” name will help me for the rest of my life. Job should not be a major concern for pick-and-choose, but should have a long-term view. So what are people’s take on that? 1. Brand: INSEAD has very different brand recognition among different segment. Generally speaking, it has a very good reputation among all recruiters and top executives while it is not well known in mass market. The reputation also varies by geography and by industry. So I suggest you do the brand survey among your target segments. 2. No impact on consulting at all. Impact on banking job to some extent. But got a full-time banking job without internship is impossible. Actually, there are several instances here on this discussion board. 3. In terms of the long term impact of the brand name to your career, I have to say, in the short term, you may benefit from the name of the school, but in the long term, yourself become the brand, not the school. That being said, in the short term, which school would help you more realize your career goal? Check the career data of both school for students with similar background as you. How many INSEAD / Yale SOM alumni are now working in your target companies / industries? It is up to you personal preference. Both schools could not be a wrong decision. |