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发表于 2005-7-8 11:05:00 | 只看该作者


131、“We can learn more about a society by observing how its people spend their leisure time than by observing them at work.”

What is the best way to learn about a society? Some people believe that by observing how the people spend their time is a good indicator to know the society. While some people advocate that by observing what they do during work is a better way to learn the society. In my point of view, I hold that we can learn about a society by many means. I also admit that both ways of observing people spending leisure time and working with them can help us learn about the society.

First of all, the recreation and amusement activities reflect how people lead their lives. We can see that a lot of people in many parts of the world like spending time with their family in the weekend. This is a good time for people to communicate with their family and relatives after busy days of work. And we can tell that the citizen in those countries value a lot for family life and emotionally fascinated to the family.

Secondly, we often find people’s habit and way of life when they are working. This case can be found in the example that the way that people work in Germany and Japan reflects the attitude and different kind of conception among the people. German are very strict and discipline during their work and thus many manager all over the world prefer hiring them. While in Japan, the Japanese are very loyal to their company, and they value their job higher over their personal life. In my eye, I think Japanese are good to be employee but tough to be a family member.

Thirdly, we can learn more about the society by other means, for example, people in China will have a family gathering during the traditional festivals, making a big meal and chatting with the family thus making them more attached to each other. That is why so many people all over the world believe that Chinese people place a big weigh over family life.

To sum up, we can conclude that the way of people spending their spare time and doing their job reflects the value and concept of the society. Admittedly, we can learn more by variety of means, and it is interesting to learn about people from different countries.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-8 12:40:50编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-8 11:14:00 | 只看该作者


A13.The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of the Fizzle Soda Company.

“There is apparently a market for new beverages, as can be seen from the fact that other companies have recently introduced new juice drinks and sports drinks. Given this market and customer surveys indicating that many drinkers of regular Fizzle soda add chocolate syrup to their soda, we can increase our company’s sales by creating a new chocolate-flavored soda, ‘Choco-Fizz.’ Choco-Fizz will help us attract new customers and keep our customers who might otherwise switch to our competitors’ chocolate beverages. And Choco-Fizz will be more successful than Fizzle Plus, our most recently introduced flavor, because it will be easier to distinguish from regular Fizzle soda.”

In the argument, the author expects that there is a big market for the new beverages since other companies have recently introduced new juice drinks and sports drinks. To further his conclusion, the author cite the surveys indicating that many regular drinks of Fizzle add chocolate syrup to their soda, then they can increase the company’s sales by employed the same strategy. Moreover, he cites that the soda they use will help attracting the new customers and even keep their customers who might switch to their competitor. Finally, he also concludes that the Choco-Fizzle will be more successful than Fizlle Plus.At first glance, the argument appear to be somewhat appealing, however, a deep and close examination refelcts the argument is groundless and problematic. The argument suffer the following fallacies.

In the first place, the author makes a gratuitous expectation that there is a big market for new beverages. He reasons that other companies have recently introduced new juice drinks and sport drink. The line of reasoning is unconvincing to make such assumption. Without any information of the amount of the new beverages, it is hasty to expect a booming market to come. If the amount of the beverage is very small, the effect is not obvious to be paid attention to. It is also likely that other companies introduce the new beverages and sports drinks just for some certain purposes, for example, there will be a brand sport game coming. Without ruling out the possibilities, the assumption is not convincing to be accepted.

In the second place, the argument commits a false analogy. This assumption is weak since it is doubtful that strategy drawn from regular Fizzle soda is applicable to Choco-fizz. Differences between the two brand of beverages outweigh the similarities, therefore making the analogy highly invalid. It is possible that the two brand of beverage include different ingredient, thus it would be different result after the Choco-Fizz adds the chocolate syrup. Perhaps, the customers would dislike the taste thereby will lose the customers. In such case, the author assertion that Choco-Pizz will help attract new customer and keep the old customer by adding chocolate as regular Fizzle soda do is of dubious validity.

In the third place, the author commits a fallacy of oversimplification. In the line of reasoning, the author assumes that the Choco-Pizz adds the chocolate to attract customer, and will be easier to distinguish from regular pizzle soda, the Choco-pizz will be more successful. Without convincing and sufficient evidence to support the causality, it is biased to make the conclusion. In fact the author ignores the possibilities of other alternative factors that the price, public recognition and company's turnover will affect a company’s success other than difference from the competitors. Unless the author build up the causal correlation between the ability to distinguish from the regular Fizzle soda and the success of  Fizzle Plus, the argument is in question and cannot be accepted.

To conclude, because it commits the above-mentioned logic mistakes, the argument is not as persuasive as it stands. To strengthen the conclusion, the author should cover more evidence to show that applying the chocolate syrup to Choco-pizz soda will increase the customer’s interest to their product. Moreover, the author should build the causality relationship between the success and the easiness to distinguish from the competitor.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-8 11:16:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-8 12:28:00 | 只看该作者


【发帖必读】---GMAT AWA区版规

 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-12 20:28:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-12 20:55:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-12 23:08:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用oookk在2005-7-8 11:05:00的发言:

131、“We can learn more about a society by observing how its people spend their leisure time than by observing them at work.”

What is the best way to learn about a society? Some people believe that by observing how the people spend their leisure time is a good indicator to know the society. While some people advocate that by observing what they do during the work is a better way to learn  the society. In my point of view, I take a mean course that we can learn about a society by many means and that both ways of observing people spending leisure time and working time can help us learn about the society.

1、by多余吧~know有些baby talk...不建议使用,改成conceive/perceive/understand等比较好吧(个人意见)

2、感觉during the work比较顺,我纯粹语感,再斟酌。

3、一些平行结构注意对称,with them感觉多余。

4、learn 和learn about要统一~~learn还是及物动词或者learn of比较常见一些吧...

First of all, the recreation and amusement activities reflect how people lead their lives. We can see that a lot of people in many parts of the world like spending time with their family in the weekend. This is a good time for people to communicate with their family and relatives after busy days of work. And we can tell that the citizen in those countries value a lot for family life and emotionally fascinated to the family.


Secondly, we often find people’s habit and way of life when they are working. This case can be found in the example that the way that people work in Germany and Japan reflects the attitude and different kinds of conceptions among the people. German are very strict and discipline during their work and thus many managers all over the world prefer to hire German. While in Japan, the Japanese are very loyal to their companies, and they value their jobs higher over their personal lives. In my eye, I think Japanese are good to be employees but tough to be family members.


Thirdly, we can learn more about the society by other means, for example, people in China will have a family gathering during the traditional festivals, making a big meal and chatting with the family thus making them more attached to each other. That is why so many people all over the world believe that Chinese people place a big weigh over family life.

1、我不认为we can learn这样的主观句型合适,要么用单数I,说你自己的观点,要么用客观论据支持:several evidence support that people coule learn more about the society...(个人建议)...感觉总是we could we could,容易使阅卷人反感,凭什么你就认定我和你的观点一致呢?

2、a gathering 和festival矛盾;people复数和a big meal矛盾;chatting among是否更合理一些。或者改成chatting with the family members.

3、thus making不太对,感觉。doing, doing, and thus doing...结构和意思表达更清晰一些

To sum up, we can conclude that the way of people spending their spare time and doing their job reflects the value and concept of a society. Admittedly, we can learn more by variety of means, and it is interesting to learn about people from different countries.





感觉jj是看了一些模版的句型,如to sum up什么的,但还不够,好句子,长句子,通用的topic sentence...都可以背下来...加分点哦!~



a za a za fighting...


 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-12 23:31:00 | 只看该作者




语法上我可以在写的时候提高,但是你说的 babytalk嘛,偶真的不知道如何改进,我也觉得自己的用词不够深度,惭愧!短期内有什么提高的方式?



论据方面,倒不用强求多么有说服力和经典(毕竟阅卷的只有3~5分钟改一篇文章,不一定有时间细看)...但正是因为阅卷时间短,我们才必须要把闪光句型和闪光词汇让阅卷人看到,是加分依据啊!!!尽量避免用babytalk的词汇哦!~~ ====这里怎么做啊,我还是很baby啊

感觉jj是看了一些模版的句型,如to sum up什么的,但还不够,好句子,长句子,通用的topic sentence...都可以背下来...加分点哦!====在哪里那里?fish指点




a za a za fighting...


发表于 2005-7-12 23:50:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用oookk在2005-7-8 11:14:00的发言:


A13.The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of the Fizzle Soda Company.

“There is apparently a market for new beverages, as can be seen from the fact that other companies have recently introduced new juice drinks and sports drinks. Given this market and customer surveys indicating that many drinkers of regular Fizzle soda add chocolate syrup to their soda, we can increase our company’s sales by creating a new chocolate-flavored soda, ‘Choco-Fizz.’ Choco-Fizz will help us attract new customers and keep our customers who might otherwise switch to our competitors’ chocolate beverages. And Choco-Fizz will be more successful than Fizzle Plus, our most recently introduced flavor, because it will be easier to distinguish from regular Fizzle soda.”

In the argument, the author expects that there is a big market for the new beverages since other companies have recently introduced new juice drinks and sports drinks. To further his conclusion, the author cites the surveys indicating that many regular drinkers of Fizzle add chocolate syrup to their soda, then they can increase the company’s sales by employed the same strategy. Moreover, he cites that the soda they use will help attracting the new customers and even keep their customers who might switch to their competitor. Finally, he also concludes that the Choco-Fizzle will be more successful than Fizlle Plus. At first glance, the argument appears to be somewhat appealing, however, a deep and close examination refelcts the argument is groundless and problematic. The argument suffers the following fallacies.



3、they指代错误。这样会指代drinkers,而不是the companies.

4、by doing...而不是by done...

5、我以前提过的问题,性别歧视...在文中没有提及the vice president是男是女的情况下,不要随便用he或者she...否则会有歧视de嫌疑...还是注意点好吧,写thevice president或者the author或者he or she...字数还多一些,对吧?!

6、第一段太长了...很多人有这个问题,可以把几个论点的阐述分散到之后的各个详细攻击段落中,第一段只要稍微说一下:the assertion contains several logical falacies and could not be concluded hastily. 类似的~~然后作者在原文中引用的、推论的等等缺陷,可以在后面详加描述,否则会感觉头重脚轻的~~~:)

In the first place, the author makes a gratuitous expectation that there is a big market for new beverages. He reasons that other companies have recently introduced new juice drinks and sport drink. The line of reasoning is unconvincing to make such assumption. Without any information of the amount of the new beverages, it is hasty to expect a booming market to come. If the amount of the beverage is very small, the effect is not obvious to be paid attention to. It is also likely that other companies introduce the new beverages and sports drinks just for some certain purposes, for example, there will be a brand sport game coming. Without ruling out such possibilities, the assumption is not convincing to be accepted.


In the second place, the argument commits a false analogy. This assumption is weak since it is doubtful that strategy drawn from regular Fizzle soda is applicable to Choco-fizz. Differences between the two brands of beverages outweigh the similarities, therefore making the analogy highly invalid. It is possible that the two brands of beverages include different ingredient, thus there would be different results after the Choco-Fizz adds the chocolate syrup. Perhaps, the customers would dislike the taste thereby the company will lose the customers. In such case, the author's assertion that Choco-Pizz will help attract new customers and keep the old customers by adding chocolate as regular Fizzle soda do is of dubious validity.

单复数;adds 改成's adding比较好...不是customers lose customers,thereby后面的主语改变,应该加上the company.

In the third place, the author commits a fallacy of oversimplification. In the line of reasoning, the author assumes that the Choco-Pizz adds the chocolate to attract customer, and will be easier to distinguish from regular pizzle soda, the Choco-pizz will be more successful. Without convincing and sufficient evidence to support the causality, it is biased to make the conclusion. In fact the author ignores the possibilities of other alternative factors that the price, public recognition and company's turnover will affect a company’s success other than difference from the competitors. Unless the author builds up the causal correlation between the ability to distinguish from the regular Fizzle soda and the success of  Fizzle Plus, the argument is in question and cannot be accepted.


To conclude, because it commits the above-mentioned logic mistakes, the argument is not as persuasive as it stands. To strengthen the conclusion, the author should cover more evidence to show that applying the chocolate syrup to Choco-pizz soda will increase the customer’s interest to their product. Moreover, the author should build the causality relationship between the success and the easiness to distinguish from the competitors.




a za a za fighting...

发表于 2005-7-12 23:55:00 | 只看该作者



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