The term ‘user-friendly’ is usually applied to the trouble-free way that computer software moves people from screen to screen, function to function. However, the term can also refer to a government office, a library, public transportation, or anything designed to provide information or services in an easy, friendly way. Just as all societies have many striking examples of user-friendly services, so do they abound in examples of user-unfriendly systems.” Identify a system or service that you have found to be either “user-friendly” or “user-unfriendly.”范文给的是美国的医疗体系,总不能原文搬上去吧,写些什么呢
还有“As government bureaucracy increases, citizens become more and more separated from their government.” Bureaucracy指的是官僚机构还是官僚作风?
以及Each generation’s cultural achievements represent improvements on the cultural achievements of previous generations.