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发表于 2005-8-26 10:18:00 | 只看该作者


6. The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life.

“Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

The author says that because of Helio's lower unemployment rates, historical achievement and the future plan of the city, corporations should look to the city when seeking new business chances or a new market. But a careful examination can reveal several flaws in the argument.

First, the low unemployment rates can tells us nothing but a shortage of labor. Other factors such as the industrial output of the city and the living standard of the population can more reflect the economy of the city than the unemployment can. For example, because of the severe recession of the city Helio, many people leave for other cities in order to find jobs. Then there is a low population in the Helio, insufficient to fulfill the industrial demand for labor. Therefore, the claim can not be supported unless other factors shown above can be ruled out.

Second, the historical achievement of the city can not be a evidence supporting the current situation. Even though the Helio contribute a lot to the region, there is no evidence shown to support that Helio is still providing more than its share of the region. The city of Yang Zhou in China, for instance, was a prosperous city in the period of Tang Dynasty, but when time goes by, it fall into great recession and never get its prior status.

Last but the least, admittedly, corporations may not invest into the city of Helio. Some cities other than Helio may have more business opportunities. Investing in the Helio may lose greater chances to gain more profit.

Thus, the author fails to correlate the unemployment rates to the economy situation by ignoring other factors that would affect the economy. Showing comprehensive statistics can more convince people than she currently can.


发表于 2005-8-26 14:02:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-8-26 15:33:00 | 只看该作者

The author says that because of Helio's lower unemployment rates, historical achievement and the future plan of the city, corporations should look to the city when seeking new business chances or a new market. But a careful examination can reveal several flaws in the argument.

First, the low unemployment rates can tells us nothing but a shortage of labor. Other factors such as the industrial output of the city and the living standard of the population can more reflect the economy of the city than the unemployment can. For example, because of the severe recession of the city Helio, many people leave for other cities in order to find jobs. Then there is a low population in the Helio, insufficient to fulfill the industrial demand for labor. Therefore, the claim can not be supported unless other factors shown above can be ruled out.

Second, the historical achievement of the city can not be a (an) evidence supporting the current situation. Even though the Helio contribute a lot to the region, there is no evidence shown to support that Helio is still providing more than its share of the region. The city of Yang Zhou in China, for instance, was a prosperous city in the period of Tang Dynasty, but when time goes by, it fall into great recession and never get its prior status.

Last but the least, admittedly, corporations may not invest into the city of LACE u1:st="on">HelioLACE>. Some cities other than Helio may have more business opportunities. Investing in the Helio may lose greater chances to gain more profit.

Thus, the author fails to correlate the unemployment rates to the economy situation by ignoring other factors that would affect the economy. Showing comprehensive statistics can more convince people than she currently can.


好吧,以一个过来人的身份我来一段段说。首先肯定一下你的句子和语法之类的很少错误,而且单词也很少拼错!个人觉得你还没有真正形成自己的模版,当然这是你第一次写作文,以后可以慢慢多写一点,渐渐形成一些自己的模版。觉得你可以在写之前,多看看别人的argu文章是这么一样的结构,然后经过自己的摸索,创造,形成自己的模版。同时可以多看看七宗罪,了解argu经常出现的逻辑错误攻击点(七宗罪中也有一定的模版可以参考),例如本文很明显可以从三个方面来攻击,你攻击了前两点,但是第三点,你可以说是忽略的,就是最后expand its economic base by attracting companies——文中提到的是吸引科技企业,而不是所有企业,这一点也可以成为你的攻击对象,形成你文章中间三段的一段展开。

增加字数方面,开头,以我个人的模版方法是先将题目所谓的结论总结一下,然后将题目作者支持这论点的证据进行概括,一般是2-3点,然后提出自己要进行反驳或说文中的逻辑站不住脚之类的语句,为下文做好铺垫。(例如in this argument, the author concludes that... To butress the conclusion, the author points out that... In addition, the author cites the fact...However, careful examination... ——楼主多看看其他人的文章吧,当初我也是看别人的文章,然后自己摸索出来属于自己的模版的)





[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-26 15:54:11编辑过]
发表于 2005-8-26 15:36:00 | 只看该作者



要用argu: AA???  issue AI???  就像你这篇文章AA006,麻烦你把自己的标题也标一下,这样比较清楚,然后帖子中自己也改一下吧!!!


发表于 2005-8-26 16:51:00 | 只看该作者
sacrati 辛苦了~加油选校!!
发表于 2005-8-26 16:53:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-8-26 18:47:00 | 只看该作者

The author says that because of Helio's lower unemployment rates, historical achievement and the future plan of the city, corporations should look to the city when seeking new business chances or a new market. But a careful examination can reveal several flaws in the argument.

改写:In this argument, the author reaches the conclusion that corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities. To support his conclusion, the author reasons that Helios is historically the industrial center, enjoying a low unemployment rate and providing many manufacturing jobs. Meanwhile, the arguer points out that H is on its way expand its economic base by attracting certain sort of companies. The reasoning line in this argument commits three severe fallacies.


First, the low unemployment rates can tells (tell) us nothing but a shortage of labor. Other factors such as the industrial output of the city and the living standard of the population can more reflect the economy of the city than the unemployment can. For example, because of the severe recession of the city Helio, many people leave for other cities in order to find jobs. Then there is a low population in the Helio, insufficient to fulfill the industrial demand for labor. Therefore, the claim can not be supported unless other factors shown above can be ruled out.

改写:First, the low unemployment rate in Helios is insufficient to prove a good economic condition. In fact, the low unemployment rate could tell us nothing but a shortage of labor force. Just as likely,the severe recession in Helios may have driven many workers out of the city and thus bring about a low supply of labor force. This might be the real reason for the low unemployment rate in H.  What's more, other factors such as the industrial output of the city and the living standard of the population can reflect the economy of the city more than the unemployment. The arguer's conclusion is unconvincing unless other factors are considered and ruled out.


发表于 2005-8-26 19:40:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-26 22:02:00 | 只看该作者


sacrati 看了你的点评我真是受益匪浅啊!


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-26 22:18:08编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-26 22:33:00 | 只看该作者
关于第三个攻击点还是不太明白sacrati的意思,文中说“Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”后面的定语从句不就是说要吸引科技公司么?能否再给解释一下呢?谢谢
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