A5. The following appeared in a memorandum from the marketing department to the general manager of the Swiftville Gazette.
“In an effort to expand its readership, the Swiftville Gazette made plans to replace the current editor-in-chief and to launch a costly subscription drive. Neither of these measures is now necessary, however: newspaper readership is on the rise once again, as newly released results of a national study show that the top five daily newspapers in the country are enjoying increased circulation for the first time in years. Therefore, the Gazette can expect to become a profitable enterprise for the first time since the editor-in-chief was hired. Moreover, since people are once again interested in the news, we can streamline our operations by dropping some of our ‘extras,’ such as the gardening column, the real estate section, and the local sports news.”
1. national study的结论是否有说服力?
2. increased circulation不一定导致G盈利。
3. 删掉的版块可能会降低读者的兴趣
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