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- 一个事实。我打算申请美国top20的Finance,为了有一个相对排名靠后的学校垫底,在最近半个月通过Purdue毕业的姐姐与Purdue finance PHD的招生委员会有了一些联系。他们知道我800分的total score一点也没有觉得我就很有competition position,直到我把AWA电话查分5.5的消息告诉了他们之后,其中一位教授才给出了:“I will push you”的评价。On the contrary, Purdue MBA的director在知道total score后就立即给出了很好的评价。所以我认为,对于想申请Master/PHD又想拿奖的朋友们,AWA成绩非常的重要,不管你的total可以考多高,瘸条腿,走路难。
- 和AWA区的斑斑judy有过一些讨论。诚然,AWA的分数也许不如total那么直观,但在整个GMAT的复习过程中。写作技巧的提高是最明显的,因为其他部分能在以后的工作和学习中用到的少之又少。而写作技巧却会读今后的路有很大的帮助。近一点说,PS和Recommendation的写作,远一点,真的到了graduate school有多少篇paper要写呢?
- 写作是整个考试的第一部分。也是从心理上讲最紧张的时段。记得我在考试的时候,由于填报送分学校的环节出了岔子之添了一所就next了,第一篇issue真得很紧张。但还好行文思路及立场很清晰,一些闪光句型可以很本能的应用,才不至于影响到了后面的math和verbal。而实战时心态的重要性,在很多前辈的心得里可见一斑。
In the final analysis, 写作部分应当得到应有的重视。希望才开始准备和正在准备GMAT考试的朋友们,可以多花一点点心思。
- 七宗罪是基本(AWA区应该有下载)。对于每一宗罪都应该有相应的模板,并且要深刻记忆,能够快速输入。比如1400字左右的模板应该每天练习且在40分钟之内打完。而对于七宗罪的理解,我有一点很固执的看法:没有必要去理解每一篇argument的题目究竟说了什么意思,而关键在于每一宗罪的标志词,that is,看见in the past 10 years就可以反映出随时不变错误,看见must/should就应该反映出充分必要性错误,看见poll/survey就会想到样本代表性,忠实性等调查类错误,看见两个实体比较就false analogy.下面举一道我在AWA区恢复的一个帖子作为例子。
"Over the past three years(随时间不变) the tartfish industry has changed markedly: fishing technology has improved significantly, and the demand for tartfish has grown in both domestic and foreign markets. As this trend continues(随时间不变,这个题出的太明显了), the tartfish industry on Shrimp Island(错误类比) can expect to experience the same over-fishing problems that are already occurring with mainland fishing industries: without restrictions on fishing, fishers see no reason to limit their individual catches. As the catches get bigger, the tartfish population will be dangerously depleted while the surplus of tartfish will devalue the catch for fishers. Government regulation is the only answer(充分必要性): tartfish-fishing should be allowed only during the three-month summer season, when tartfish reproduce and thus are most numerous, rather than throughout the year."
- 从复习的第一天起就开始准备模板,20天之内所有七宗罪的模板应该整理完毕。然后每天达一遍模板写一篇argument,心情不爽可以多写几篇。这样到最后所有题目写完,大字速度应该到了很高的水平。还有什么好紧张的呢?
- 在argument比较熟练之后再开始准备(不然每天工作量太大)。建议每天10道pool里的题目(我不相信我有遇到黄金八十题的运气),把所有题目的立场,行文思路总结下来。准备好相应例子。前后是可以互补的,很多例子先没想到后面被其他题或文章激发就会涌现。这部分需要18天的时间。
- 试着每天一篇argument一篇issue,这时argument应该不会再超时了。但开始写issue想写上500字不超时满困难的。也不要着急,20天之后应该就可以完成比较四肢健全的issue了。
- 关于例子:羊毛出在羊身上。ETS在GMAT和GRE的阅读中有大量的经典例子和闪光句型。在按照小安阅读法准备阅读的round 2里面,完全可以挑出这些好的资源记录在笔记本上。还有一个好东东叫微软大百科,查找资料很方便。例子不要记得太杂了。商管类可以记一两家公司就够了。比如我是记的Toyota,写公司等级制度,奖惩系统,与所在城市的关系(Toyota所在城市原名Koromo,因为Toyota对城市发展的贡献改名Toyota。)等等题目都可用到。结末的教训是:例子的实体不用多,但实体的内容要广泛,可以应对很多题目。至于名人名言,一两句就行了。不打算用名人名言作文章开头的朋友们没必要花太多工夫。
- 关于issue的模板:诚然,issue是很不好写模板的。但我认为要写出argument那样的模板不可能,但可以写出引导行文方向的模板,that is,不用具体到完整句,但要给出,每个行文部分的引领词,每个部分的思路与结构。这一点语言不太好表达。如果大家不嫌弃,可以参考以下的模板:
We take for granted that A. Nevertheless, does the fact inevitable indicates that B? The speaker here apparently tempts to confirm that the former takes automatic precedence over the latter. While I agree with the spear insofar as A, I find no empirical evidence to wholly accept the author’s position, which appears to be unconvincing in light of more persuasive assertion, those TS.
The primary reason for my view rests on the undeniable fact that history is replete with evidence of R1. Notables ranging from X to Y come immediately to mind. On the one hand, consider the success of X. On the other hand, let us take Y into account. By the same token, Y does the same. Indeed, both cases illustrate the point that R1, as many other similar cases do.
Another reason for my view is that R2. Empirical evidence supporting this reason is overwhelming. One needs look no further than Z to appreciate that this is indeed the case. As can be obviously seen, Z is that. Admittedly, stories such as this are not rare so that this case is, as has been noted, one of many examples that underscore the point that.
To oppose my view, you might point out that Q1. To be honest, I confess that Q1. However, you may further argue that Q2. Here we part company. In any event, do Q2? Emphatically, ‘No’.
In the final analysis, TS. Therefore, although.
一家之言,仅供参考。 |