27题,答案可能有误; 藕也选A, 另,甜橙更正的GWD答案这题也选A. 28题E不对,全文都在反驳constructivism. C可以从下面黄色这部分推出来(changes result from modernization) Some changes Clark attributes
to the particular way management
and labor unions negotiated the introduction
of the technology, whereas
others are seen as arising from the
(65) capabilities and nature of the technology
itself. BTW, 26题你是怎么选的?原文中只有如下的一段话是关于constructivist gain acceptance 的。 The constructivists gain acceptance
by misrepresenting technological determinism:
technological determinists are
(35) supposed to believe, for example, that
machinery imposes appropriate forms
of order on society. |