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GWD 8 - 26

发表于 2004-10-16 04:10:00 | 只看该作者

GWD 8 - 26

Q25 to Q28:

Jon Clark’s study of the effect of

the modernization of a telephone

exchange on exchange maintenance

Line work and workers is a solid contribution

(5) to a debate that encompasses two

lively issues in the history and sociol16

ogy of technology: technological

determinism and social constructivism.

Clark makes the point that the char-

(10) acteristics of a technology have a

decisive influence on job skills and

work organization. Put more strongly,

technology can be a primary determinant

of social and managerial organ-

(15) ization. Clark believes this possibility

has been obscured by the recent sociological

fashion, exemplified by

Braverman’s analysis, that emphasizes

the way machinery reflects social

(20) choices. For Braverman, the shape of

a technological system is subordinate

to the manager’s desire to wrest control

of the labor process from the

workers. Technological change is

(25) construed as the outcome of negotiations

among interested parties who

seek to incorporate their own interests

into the design and configuration of the

machinery. This position represents

(30) the new mainstream called social constructivism.

The constructivists gain acceptance

by misrepresenting technological determinism:

technological determinists are

(35) supposed to believe, for example, that

machinery imposes appropriate forms

of order on society. The alternative to

constructivism, in other words, is to

view technology as existing outside

(40) society, capable of directly influencing

skills and work organization.

Clark refutes the extremes of the

constructivists by both theoretical and

empirical arguments. Theoretically he

(45) defines “technology” in terms of relationships

between social and technical

variables. Attempts to reduce the

meaning of technology to cold, hard

metal are bound to fail, for machinery

(50) is just scrap unless it is organized

functionally and supported by appropriate

systems of operation and main17



The information in the passage suggests that Clark believes that which of the following

would be true if social constructivism had not gained widespread acceptance?

A. Businesses would be more likely to modernize without considering the social

consequences of their actions.

B. There would be greater understanding of the role played by technology in

producing social change.

C. Businesses would be less likely to understand the attitudes of employees affected

by modernization.

D. Modernization would have occurred at a slower rate.

E. Technology would have played a greater part in determining the role of business

in society.

Answer: B

Why not E? Thanks,

发表于 2004-10-18 23:52:00 | 只看该作者

原文中没有讨论到 the role of business in society  这个概念

所以E 算是无关

发表于 2004-10-25 03:18:00 | 只看该作者

how do we interpret  "greater understanding" in B?

where can we derive this from the passage?

发表于 2004-10-26 01:50:00 | 只看该作者

Ok, now I see it, Line 12-15

Put more strongly,

technology can be a primary determinant

of social and managerial organ-

(15) ization. Clark believes this possibility

has been obscured by the recent sociological

fashion, exemplified by...

发表于 2005-3-24 17:13:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-3-28 16:18:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用bose0008在2004-10-26 1:50:00的发言:

Ok, now I see it, Line 12-15

Put more strongly,

technology can be a primary determinant

of social and managerial organ-

(15) ization. Clark believes this possibility

has been obscured by the recent sociological

fashion, exemplified by...


The constructivists gain acceptance

by misrepresenting technological determinism:

technological determinists are

(35) supposed to believe, for example, that

machinery imposes appropriate forms

of order on society.

这里说constructivists 通过误解determinism而gain acceptance。反过来,如果它们没有gain acceptance,则对“误解”取非。

发表于 2005-8-23 02:21:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-10-12 15:46:00 | 只看该作者


The information in the passage suggests that Clark believes that which of the following would be true if social constructivism had not gained widespread acceptance?

Put more strongly,

technology can be a primary determi-

nant of social and managerial organ-

(15)              ization. Clark believes this

possibility has been obscured by the

recent sociological fashion, exemplified by

Braverman’s analysis, that emphasizes

the way machinery reflects social

(20)    choices.

The constructivists gain acceptance

by misrepresenting technological deter-

minism: technological determinists are

(35)              supposed to believe, for example,

that machinery imposes appropriate forms

of order on society.

B. There would be greater understanding of the role played by technology in producing social change.

发表于 2005-10-24 19:22:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-2-20 00:48:00 | 只看该作者

L32. gain acceptance...

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