The term “episodic memory” was
introduced by Tulving to refer to what he----
considered a uniquely human capacity—
Line the ability to recollect specific past events,
(5) to travel back into the past in one’s own
mind—as distinct from the capacity simply
to use information acquired through past
experiences. Subsequently, Clayton et al.
developed criteria to test for episodic-------
(10) memory in animals. According to these
criteria, episodic memories are not of
individual bits of information; they involve
multiple components of a single event
“bound” together. Clayton sought to------
(15) examine evidence of scrub jays’ accurate
memory of “what,” “where,” and “when”
information and their binding of this infor-
mation. In the wild, these birds store food
for retrieval later during periods of food
(20) scarcity. Clayton’s experiment required
jays to remember the type, location, and
freshness of stored food based on a unique
learning event. Crickets were stored in one
location and peanuts in another. Jays
(25) prefer crickets, but crickets degrade
more quickly. Clayton’s birds switched------
their preference from crickets to peanuts
once the food had been stored for a certain
length of time, showing that they retain
(30) information about the what, the where,
and the when. Such experiments cannot,-----
however, reveal whether the birds were
reexperiencing the past when retrieving the
information. Clayton acknowledged this by
using the term “episodic-like” memory.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The primary purpose of the passage is to
- explain how the findings of a particular experiment have been interpreted and offer an alternative interpretation
- describe a particular experiment and point out one of its limitations
- present similarities between human memory and animal memory,T认为是unique
- point out a flaw in the argument that a certain capacity is uniquely human
account for the unexpected behavior of animal subjects in a particular experiment,实验本身不是目的
Acting on the recommen-
dation of a British government
committee investigating the
Line high incidence in white lead
(5) factories of illness among
employees, most of whom
were women, the Home Sec-
retary proposed in 1895 that
Parliament enact legislation
(10) that would prohibit women from
holding most jobs in white leed
factories. Although the
Women’s Industrial Defence
Committee (WIDC), formed
(15) in 1892 in response to earlier
legislative attempts to restrict
women’s labor, did not dis-
count the white lead trade’s
potential health dangers, it
(20) opposed the proposal, view--
ing it as yet another instance
of limiting women’s work
opportunities. Also opposing
the proposal was the Society
(25) for Promoting the Employment
of Women (SPEW), which
attempted to challenge it by
investigating the causes of ill-
ness in white lead factories.
(30) SPEW contended, and WIDC----
concurred, that controllable
conditions in such factories
were responsible for the devel-
opment of lead poisoning.
(35) SPEW provided convincing
evidence that lead poisoning
could be avoided if workers---
were careful and clean and
if already extant workplace
(40) safety regulations were
stringently enforced. How-
ever, the Women’s Trade
Union League (WTUL), which----
had ceased in the late 1880’s
(45) to oppose restrictions on
women’s labor, supported the
eventually enacted proposal,
in part because safety regu------
lations were generally not
(50) being enforced in white lead
factories, where there were no
unions (and little prospect of
any) to pressure employers to
comply with safety regulations.
The passage is primarily concerned with
- presenting various groups’ views of the motives of those proposing certain legislation
- contrasting the reasoning of various groups concerning their positions on certain proposed legislation
- tracing the process whereby certain proposed legislation was eventually enacted
- assessing the success of tactics adopted by various groups with respect to certain proposed legislation
- evaluating the arguments of various groups concerning certain proposed legislation
这个更绕了, a.b.e看上去都可以,最后我觉得evaluate中性化一点
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