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63/34--- 6

发表于 2004-6-10 12:53:00 | 只看该作者

63/34--- 6

Passage 34 (34/63)

Kazuko Nakane’s history of the early Japanese immigrants to central California’s Pajaro Valley focuses on the development of farming communities there from 1890 to 1940. The Issei (first-generation immigrants) were brought into the Pajaro Valley to raise sugar beets. Like Issei laborers in American cities, Japanese men in rural areas sought employment via the “boss” system. The system comprised three elements: immigrant wage laborers; Issei boardinghouses (boardinghouse: n.寄宿公寓) where laborers stayed; and labor contractors, who gathered workers for a particular job and then negotiated a contract between workers and employer. This same system was originally utilized by the Chinese laborers who had preceded the Japanese. A related institution was the “labor club,” which provided job information and negotiated employment contracts and other legal matters, such as the rental of land, for Issei who chose to belong and paid an annual fee to the cooperative for membership.


When the local sugar beet industry collapsed in 1902, the Issei began to lease land from the valley’s strawberry farmers. The Japanese provided the labor and the crop was divided between laborers and landowners. The Issei thus moved quickly from wage-labor employment to sharecropping (sharecrop: v.作佃农耕种) agreements. A limited amount of economic progress was made as some Issei were able to rent or buy farmland directly, while others joined together to form farming corporations. As the Issei began to operate farms, they began to marry and start families, forming an established Japanese American community. Unfortunately, the Issei’s efforts to attain agricultural independence were hampered by government restrictions, such as the Alien Land Law of 1913. But immigrants could circumvent such exclusionary laws by leasing or purchasing land in their American-born children’s names.


Nakane’s case study (case study: n.个案研究) of one rural Japanese American community provides valuable information about the lives and experiences of the Issei. It is, however, too particularistic (particularism: a tendency to explain complex social phenomena in terms of a single causative factor). This limitation derives from Nakane’s methodology—that of oral history—which cannot substitute for a broader theoretical or comparative perspective. Future research might well consider two issues raised by her study: were the Issei of the Pajaro Valley similar to or different from Issei in urban settings, and what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities?6

6.     The author of the passage would most likely agree that which of the following, if it had been included in Nakane’s study, would best remedy the particularistic nature of that study?

(A) A statistical table comparing per capita income of Issei wage laborers and sharecroppers in the Pajaro Valley

(B) A statistical table showing per capita income of Issei in the Pajaro Valley from 1890 to 1940

(C) A statistical table showing rates of farm ownership by Japanese Americans in four central California counties from 1890 to 1940

(D) A discussion of original company documents dealing with the Pajaro Valley sugar beet industry at the turn of the centuryC

(E) Transcripts of interviews conducted with members of the Pajaro Valley Japanese American community who were born in the 1920’s and 1930’s


难道a不能表示出variations 吗?谢谢大家。

 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-11 09:58:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-6-11 12:15:00 | 只看该作者

1.改善两个方面都可以.were the Issei of the Pajaro Valley similar to or different from Issei in urban settings(把农民和城市人比), and what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities.(比较日本美国农民之间的不同)

A,答案比较了P Valley 日本农民和美国农民. 而且per capita income of Issei应该是每亩收入吧,作者没说.

C.二个好.1 rates of farm ownership,前一段的核心 2. 4个不同日本乡村农民的比较.

2.第二段段意: 无耻丑恶的小日本鬼子趁人之危…..打倒日本鬼子!!!

3.经验规律: 对于比较难定位的题,如果A有很多原文的词,慎重选择. 大家可以分析一下,背后ETS的险恶用心.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-11 12:43:00 | 只看该作者



1.改善两个方面都可以.were the Issei of the Pajaro Valley similar to or different from Issei in urban settings(把农民和城市人比), and what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities.(比较日本美国农民之间的不同)


A,答案比较了P Valley 日本农民和美国农民. 而且per capita income of Issei应该是每亩收入吧,作者没说.

原文what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities?6

(A) A statistical table comparing per capita income of Issei wage laborers and sharecroppers in the Pajaro Valley



发表于 2004-6-11 15:13:00 | 只看该作者
关键是比较点要对于.per capita income of Issei不是主要判断依据
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-12 01:27:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-12 08:58:00 | 只看该作者

原文what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities?6

(A) A statistical table comparing per capita income of Issei wage laborers and sharecroppers in the Pajaro Valley

变更, 变化, 变异, 变种,web字典: 1 a : the act or process of varying : the state or fact of being varied  b : an instance of varying  c : the extent to which or the range in which a thing varies

选项a是1 a : the quality or state of being different


发表于 2004-6-13 00:53:00 | 只看该作者

原文what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities?6

原文是这个意思:美国日本农民communities 之间的variations. 就是要比较1美国日本农民的区分。。A是美国日本农民和sharecroppers之间的比较。 请妹妹看看sharecroppers是什么的干活?
 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-13 02:41:00 | 只看该作者

1、首先A不是:美国日本农民和sharecroppers。而是laborers and sharecroppers

2、我原来理解:When the local sugar beet industry collapsed in 1902, the Issei began to lease land from the valley’s strawberry farmers. The Japanese provided the labor and the crop was divided between laborers and landowners. The Issei thus moved quickly from wage-labor employment to sharecropping (sharecrop: v.作佃农耕种) agreements.



原文what variations existed between rural Japanese American communities?6

(A) A statistical table comparing per capita income of Issei wage laborers and sharecroppers in the Pajaro Valley



发表于 2004-6-13 09:04:00 | 只看该作者



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