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发表于 2005-1-11 19:15:00 | 只看该作者


In an experiment, two different types of recorded music were played for neonates in adjacent nurseries in a hospital. In nursery A, classical music was played; in nursery B, rock music was played. After two weeks, it was found that the babies in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did the babies in nursery B.

Which of the following additional experimental data would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?

(A) The neonates in a nursery where no music was played fared better than those in nursery B.

(B) Nursery A contained 15 percent more premature babies than nursery B.

(C) The newborns in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did newborns in a nursery with no music.

(D) The music played in nursery A was louder than that played in nursery B.

(E) The ratio of nurses to newborns in nursery B was 1 to 4; in nursery A, it was 1 to 6.

我不明白的是:题目说要addtional data,难道原文中的句子也算吗?

发表于 2005-1-12 01:31:00 | 只看该作者
选项都是addtional data啊,C的data是和a nursery with no music比较的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-12 1:31:53编辑过]
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