This is also a question on XDF Supplement material.
1. Let's translate the last sentence to the following:
If it does = IF the tax system favors borrowing over saving
那么将原文的问题取非便是问: IF the tax system favors borrowing over saving, there would be _________.
由于原文问的是 there would be NOT ___. 按照上述思路,凡是满足 there would be_____的均错。
看 B,C,D:
B.IF the tax system favors borrowing over saving, there would be tax relief in the borrowing processing fees
C. IF the tax system favors borrowing over saving, there would be tax relief in the borrowing (from Credit card) interest
D. IF the tax system favors borrowing over saving, there would be tax relief in the borrowing (from the bank) interest
Therefore, B,C,D 错。
2. 原文提到 favor borrowing over saving 有两层含义
1)"favor borrowing" by tax relief
2) "over saving" by "The system also discourages saving by taxing any interest earned on savings."
看 E:
IF the tax system favors borrowing over saving, there would be tax dudes in savings accounts. 吻合 2).
所以,仅剩 A 正确。
3. 为什么A 正确
IF the tax system favors borrowing over saving, there would be tax relief for savings accounts. 正好和 2). 相悖。
而加上 not 后,便合理了。即:
IF the tax system favors borrowing over saving, there would be NO tax relief for savings accounts.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-19 21:44:46编辑过] |