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发表于 2004-9-27 09:47:00 | 只看该作者


16.   Instead of blaming an airline accident on pilot error, investigators should find out why the error was made by analyzing airplane design, airline management, and pilot-training programs. For only then can changes be made to ensure that the same type of error does not recur and cause another accident.

Which of the following is a presupposition of the argument above?

(A) Pilot error is not a contributing factor in most airline accidents.

(B) Airline companies themselves should be the agents who investigate airline accidents.

(C) Stricter government regulation of airline companies will make air travel significantly safer.

(D) Investigators of airline accidents should contribute to the prevention of future accidents.D

(E) Most pilots who make errors in flying will repeat their errors unless they are retrained.


20.   The Asian American History Association receives approximately 1,000 proposals each year from individuals who wish to present papers at its annual meeting. The association’s officers would like to ensure constant standards of quality in the presentations from year to year. The officers have therefore decided to accept for presentation each year only the best 300 papers selected on the basis of the quality of the proposals submitted.

Of the following, the best criticism of the officers’ plan is that the plan assumes that

(A) Professional associations cannot accept all papers submitted for presentation at their annual meetings.

(B) The total number of proposals submitted to the association will remain at approximately 1,000 in future years.

(C) Each proposal submitted to the association deserves to be considered a serious candidate for presentation.

(D) It is difficult to judge the quality of a paper on the basis of the proposal alone.E

(E) The best 300 papers submitted to the association for presentation will be of the same quality from year to year.

这道题我觉得虽然e是这里唯一一个比较好的选项,但它好像并不是原文的假设, the same quality from year to year 和only the best 300 papers selected on the basis of the quality of the proposals submitted 应该是不一样的吧?

发表于 2004-9-27 23:35:00 | 只看该作者


Pilot error is not a contributing factor in most airline accidents.的意思是飞行员的失误不是造成飞行事故的原因,可是问题是题干并没有否定飞行员责任的意思,而是有一种这种飞行员的失误我们也没有办法完全避免,只能通过Investigators of airline accidents 来对事故原因作调查,然后防患于未然的意味

第二题读完感觉就很强,E选项是呼之欲出,倒是觉得D选项如果把difficult 改成easy会很困扰

发表于 2004-9-27 23:43:00 | 只看该作者

其实第二题我觉得B也很tricky, 如果第二年只有300个proposal, 或者只有100个怎麽办,但是原题是把它作为一个客观事实fact提出,而非assumption, 不知道那位牛牛能够帮忙分析一下B 和E选项,因为我一作句子作用题就晕,不知道我分析的对吗, 就是fact 和assumption的区别

发表于 2008-4-20 22:39:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用juliaPL在2004-9-27 23:43:00的发言:

其实第二题我觉得B也很tricky, 如果第二年只有300个proposal, 或者只有100个怎麽办,但是原题是把它作为一个客观事实fact提出,而非assumption, 不知道那位牛牛能够帮忙分析一下B 和E选项,因为我一作句子作用题就晕,不知道我分析的对吗, 就是fact 和assumption的区别

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The both are totally the same type of question.

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