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大全-B-5 (唉,我佛慈悲,帮帮忙哦)

发表于 2004-8-8 14:43:00 | 只看该作者

大全-B-5 (唉,我佛慈悲,帮帮忙哦)

5. In an experiment, two different types of recorded music were played for neonates in adjacent nurseries in a hospital. In nursery A, classical music was played; in nursery B, rock music was played. After two weeks, it was found that the babies in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did the babies in nursery B.

Which of the following additional experimental data would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?

(A) The neonates in a nursery where no music was played fared better than those in nursery B.

(B) Nursery A contained 15 percent more premature babies than nursery B.

(C) The newborns in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did newborns in a nursery with no music.

(D) The music played in nursery A was louder than that played in nursery B.

(E) The ratio of nurses to newborns in nursery B was 1 to 4; in nursery A, it was 1 to 6.

认为答案C有误. B对Nursery A,nursery B的婴儿的健康状况进行了比较-----A的早产儿比B多(健康状况不如B),但是实验后其生长状况比B要好-----说明classic music对生长很有利


发表于 2004-8-8 15:13:00 | 只看该作者
Please always post the complete passage stem when asking questions.  It will make it easier for others to answre.  Thanks!
发表于 2004-8-8 15:23:00 | 只看该作者

The question asks "Which ... would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?"  In other words, it asks for the effects of classical music, and the effects of rock music is irrelevant.  C compares the effects of classical music with those of no music, and clearly indicates that the effects of classical music is beneficial.  Therefore, C is the best answer.

B indicates that classical music is better than rock music, but we still don't know whether classical music is better than no music.  Therefore, B is not a good answer to the question.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-9 00:05:00 | 只看该作者


因为这一题有两问,第一问 是    In evaluating the validity of the conclusion suggested by the experiment above, it would be most important to know which of the following?

答案自然是    Whether the newborns in both nurseries were equally healthy and happy at the start of the experiment——排除他因。



发表于 2005-3-21 22:00:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用robertchu在2004-8-8 15:23:00的发言:

The question asks "Which ... would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?"  In other words, it asks for the effects of classical music, and the effects of rock music is irrelevant.  C compares the effects of classical music with those of no music, and clearly indicates that the effects of classical music is beneficial.  Therefore, C is the best answer.

B indicates that classical music is better than rock music, but we still don't know whether classical music is better than no music.  Therefore, B is not a good answer to the question.

理解!但是仍有一问,既然题干中已经明确问到:是不是“classical music"有帮助,那么从文章得知:它的隐含的比较对象应该是rock and roll music下的状况而不是no music 的情况吧。所以,C的排除它因为什么不能认为是加强“classical music有作用”这一观点呢?又为什么不能认为no music 的情况是irrelevent呢?


发表于 2005-3-21 22:36:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用ringcheng在2005-3-21 22:00:00的发言:

理解!但是仍有一问,既然题干中已经明确问到:是不是“classical music"有帮助,那么从文章得知:它的隐含的比较对象应该是rock and roll music下的状况而不是no music 的情况吧。所以,C的排除它因为什么不能认为是加强“classical music有作用”这一观点呢?又为什么不能认为no music 的情况是irrelevent呢?


   题目问的是哪项能支持“classical music”对newborn baby的生长有利。那么,文中说了c music比R music有利于baby 的生长,这只是有利的一方面比较,那么和no music 的比较是有利的另一个方面的比较了。这样,就“支持”了原文的结论。原文仅问了c music 对生长是否有利。


发表于 2005-3-22 17:57:00 | 只看该作者

问题:Which of the following additional experimental data would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?

按照题目问的,只有一个可以support,那么最好的就只能是C,B和E都不是support了。可即使这样,B/E感觉上也只是比C的support弱一些,并不能完全排除B/E的可能support 性啊?

应该从哪里排除B/E和可能性呢?是不是认为B的15%的早产儿太少不足以支持结论“音乐有帮助”,而E out of scope.



5. In an experiment, two different types of recorded music were played for neonates in adjacent nurseries in a hospital. In nursery A, classical music was played; in nursery B, rock music was played. After two weeks, it was found that the babies in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did the babies in nursery B.

Which of the following additional experimental data would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?

(A) The neonates in a nursery where no music was played fared better than those in nursery B. (B) Nursery A contained 15 percent more premature babies than nursery B.
(C) The newborns in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did newborns in a nursery with no music.
(D) The music played in nursery A was louder than that played in nursery B.

(E) The ratio of nurses to newborns in nursery B was 1 to 4; in nursery A, it was 1 to 6.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-22 18:03:02编辑过]
发表于 2005-3-22 18:55:00 | 只看该作者

是的,我认为,B答案中的早产婴儿并不能说明C music对生长有利。如果不是因为有早产的,可能效果更好;或者,就是因为有早产,所以才效果会好。这样就对题目产生SUPPORT 和WEAKEN两种效果了。所以B不如答案好。


不过,我想两个选项都有点out of scope了,和护士,早产儿有什么关系呀 ?

发表于 2005-7-2 01:58:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用云在青天水在瓶在2004-8-8 14:43:00的发言:

5. In an experiment, two different types of recorded music were played for neonates in adjacent nurseries in a hospital. In nursery A, classical music was played; in nursery B, rock music was played. After two weeks, it was found that the babies in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did the babies in nursery B.

Which of the following additional experimental data would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?

(A) The neonates in a nursery where no music was played fared better than those in nursery B.

(B) Nursery A contained 15 percent more premature babies than nursery B.

(C) The newborns in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did newborns in a nursery with no music.

(D) The music played in nursery A was louder than that played in nursery B.

(E) The ratio of nurses to newborns in nursery B was 1 to 4; in nursery A, it was 1 to 6.

认为答案C有误. B对Nursery A,nursery B的婴儿的健康状况进行了比较-----A的早产儿比B多(健康状况不如B),但是实验后其生长状况比B要好-----说明classic music对生长很有利


同意,答案在正常思维方式下是错误的! 以前我在上论文讨论班的时候,老板和我们讨论过非常类似的研究方式,他作了非常相似的提问。最后大家讨论结果,就是如果在a起点还不如b的情况下,试验结论仍然支持假设,就是说,A试验后的测试结果比B要好。那么这个假设成立的可能性就更大了。

发表于 2008-8-20 11:55:00 | 只看该作者
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