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发表于 2004-7-28 19:30:00 | 只看该作者



Newspaper editorial:

In an attempt to reduce the crime rate, the governor is getting tough on criminals and making prison conditions harsher.  art of this effort has been to deny inmates the access they formerly had to college-level courses.  However, this action is clearly counter to the governor’s ultimate goal, since after being released form prison, inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  1. Not being able to take college-level courses while in prison is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime that he or she might otherwise have committed.

  2. Former inmates are no more likely to commit crimes than are members of the general population.

  3. The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released.

  4. Taking high school level courses in prison has less effect on an inmate’s subsequent behavior than taking college-level courses does.

  5. The governor’s ultimate goal actually is to gain popularity by convincing people that something effective is being done about crime


A: 文章的核心推理是:this action is clearly counter to the governor’s ultimate goal, since after being released form prison, inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates。核心是:新的政策在犯人释放后的影响。A完全没有涉及。能deter也好,不能也罢,都和这个结论无关。注意题目要求的是assumption of the argument,而不是要求something weakening the action of government。

C:我看不懂前面的讨论,C明显是weaken argument.



发表于 2004-7-29 01:07:00 | 只看该作者

E is not correct. From the last sentence we can safely conclude that the goal of governor appears to be reducing crime rate. The argument states that the goal will not be achieved. However, it does not even hint that the governor has an "ultimate goal". That leaves door open to many possibilities: the governor wants to appeal to prison staff, the governor wants to present himself to the voters, or simply the governor is dumb. Therefore, you cannot exclusively come to E.

Again, E does not read like an assumption, but an inference or conclusion. The difference is:

If B is an assumption, it looks like A+B --> C.
If B is a conclusion, it reads like A-->B.

The similarity is that both can be tested the same way, in most cases.

You have to know that assumption is required condition for the argument.  The answer to this question should be C.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-29 01:32:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-8-28 05:04:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用mindfree在2004-7-29 1:07:00的发言:

E is not correct. From the last sentence we can safely conclude that the goal of governor appears to be reducing crime rate. The argument states that the goal will not be achieved. However, it does not even hint that the governor has an "ultimate goal". That leaves door open to many possibilities: the governor wants to appeal to prison staff, the governor wants to present himself to the voters, or simply the governor is dumb. Therefore, you cannot exclusively come to E.

Again, E does not read like an assumption, but an inference or conclusion. The difference is:

If B is an assumption, it looks like A+B --> C.
If B is a conclusion, it reads like A-->B.

The similarity is that both can be tested the same way, in most cases.

You have to know that assumption is required condition for the argument.  The answer to this question should be C.

谢谢Mindfree, 最近按照你说的方法重新读OG的CR, 按照OG思路,今天做此题马上选C, 结果答案是A, 我差点哭出来, 以为自己的整个逻辑思维的系统方法是错的, 上网一查, 哈哈, 我又笑了. 多谢总教头!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-28 9:42:52编辑过]
发表于 2004-11-1 00:28:00 | 只看该作者

The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released.

請問這個要怎麼翻譯呢?我翻成有參加college課程的人,犯罪的可能並沒有比較少.可是題目不是要找assumption to support

college courses --> committed fewer crimes

发表于 2004-11-1 02:03:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-11-1 12:10:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-1-23 10:32:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2005-1-23 11:46:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用horsefish在2004-8-28 5:04:00的发言:

谢谢Mindfree, 最近按照你说的方法重新读OG的CR, 按照OG思路,今天做此题马上选C, 结果答案是A, 我差点哭出来, 以为自己的整个逻辑思维的系统方法是错的, 上网一查, 哈哈, 我又笑了. 多谢总教头!
什么是MINDFREE的方法呀?能不能再说一遍呢? 就要考了,可是模考V部分还是不太好...
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