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发表于 2004-7-26 11:31:00 | 只看该作者






Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit-card logo.  Consumer psychologists hypothesize that simply seeing a credit-card logo makes many credit-card holders willing to spend more because it reminds them that their spending power exceeds the cash they have immediately available.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the psychologists’ interpretation of the studies?

  1. The effect noted in the studies is not limited to patrons who have credit cards.

  2. Patrons who are under financial pressure from their credit-card obligations tend to tip less when presented with a restaurant bill on a tray with credit-card logo than when the tray has no logo.

  3. In virtually all of the cases in the studies, the patrons who paid bills in cash did not possess credit cards.

  4. In general, restaurant patrons who pay their bills in cash leave larger tips than do those who pay by credit card.

The percentage of restaurant bills paid with given brand of credit card increases when that credit card’s logo is displayed on the tray with which the bill is prepared.



Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of millipede.  Laboratory tests show that secretions from the bodies of these millipedes are rich in two chemicals that are potent mosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate capuchins.  Some scientists hypothesize that the monkeys rub their bodies with the millipedes because doing so helps protect them from mosquitoes.

Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the scientists’ hypothesis?

  1. A single millipede often gets passed around among several capuchins, all of whom rub their bodies with it.

  2. The two chemicals that repel mosquitoes also repel several other varieties of insects.

  3. The capuchins rarely rub their bodies with the millipedes except during the rainy season, when mosquito populations are at their peak.

  4. Although the capuchins eat several species of insects, they do not eat the type of millipede they use to rub their bodies.

  5. The two insect-repelling chemicals in the secretions of the millipedes are carcinogenic for humans but do not appear to be carcinogenic for capuchins.





Journalist:  Well-known businessman Arnold Bergeron has long been popular in the state, and he has often talked about running for governor, but he has never run.  However, we have just learned that Bergeron has fulfilled the financial disclosure requirement for candidacy by submitting a detailed list of his current financial holdings to the election commission.  So, it is very likely that Bergeron will be a candidate for governor this year.

The answer to which of the following questions would be most useful in evaluating the journalist’s argument?

  1. Has anybody else who has fulfilled the financial disclosure requirement for the upcoming election reported greater financial holdings than Bergeron?

  2. Is submitting a list of holdings the only way to fulfill the election commission’s financial disclosure requirements?

  3. Did the information recently obtained by the journalists come directly from the election commission?

  4. Have Bergeron’s financial holdings increased in value in recent years?

  5. Had Bergeron also fulfilled the financial disclosure requirements for candidacy before any previous gubernatorial elections?


Magazine Publisher:  Our magazine does not have a liberal bias.  It is true that when a book review we had commissioned last year turned out to express distinctly conservative views, we did not publish it until we had also obtained a second review that took a strongly liberal position.  Clearly, however, our actions demonstrate not a bias in favor of liberal views but rather a commitment to a balanced presentation of diverse opinions.

Determining which of the following would be most useful in evaluating the cogency of the magazine publisher’s response?

  1. Whether any other magazines in which the book was reviewed carried more than one review of the book

  2. Whether the magazine publishes unsolicited book reviews as well as those that it has commissioned

  3. Whether in the event that a first review commissioned by the magazine takes a clearly liberal position the magazine would make any efforts to obtain further reviews

  4. Whether the book that was the subject of the two reviews was itself written from a clearly conservative or a clearly liberal point of view

  5. Whether most of the readers of the magazine regularly read the book reviews that the magazine publishes

GWD 12

Q22: Denoma, a major consumer-electronics maker, had a sizeable decline in sales revenue for its most recent fiscal year.  This result appears surprising, because electronics retailers report that although their overall sales were considerably lower than in the previous year, their sales revenue from Denoma models actually grew, largely thanks to some innovative and popular models that Denoma introduced.

Which of the following, if true, does most to explain the apparently surprising result?

  1. Because of the need to educate the public about its new models’ capabilities, Denoma’s advertising spending was higher than normal over the period.

  2. For the period at issue, Denoma’s major competitors reported declines in revenue that were, in percentage terms, greater than Denoma’s.

  3. A significant proportion of Denoma’s revenue comes from making components for other consumer-electronics manufacturers.

  4. Unlike some of its major competitors, Denoma has no lines of business outside consumer electronics to provide revenue when retail sales of consumer electronics are weak.

  5. During the period, consumer-electronics retailers sold remaining units of Denoma’s superseded models at prices that were deeply discounted from those models’ original prices.


发表于 2004-7-26 14:26:00 | 只看该作者

It's better if you could break down this to several posts.

Please see CD 890 LSAT Question Link, 和统一提问格式


发表于 2004-8-14 05:31:00 | 只看该作者








[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-19 6:04:10编辑过]
发表于 2004-8-15 00:54:00 | 只看该作者
楼上的JJ, 你最后一个链接怎么又连回本贴了? 这可是逻辑上的死循环哦
发表于 2004-9-10 10:26:00 | 只看该作者


C 是说:要是第一次的review显示的是liberal position ,那the magazine还会不会做进一步的reviews呢?

发表于 2004-9-14 00:30:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-9-15 09:09:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用nanalin在2004-8-14 5:31:00的发言:








欧已经迷惑了,nanalin 说 Q38 选 B, 在看其第2个链接n多人选 E.


发表于 2004-9-16 12:52:00 | 只看该作者


GWD7-38 有没有定论?

发表于 2004-9-16 20:38:00 | 只看该作者

to joe11,除非官方给答案,否则如何有定论呢,周围取决于你觉得谁有道理。

我认为B明显错误。它虽然肯定回答能加强原文结论,但否定回答对原文结论不起削弱作用。对B否定,即还有其他方法可以完成选举委员会要求的financial disclosure ,这不能削弱B的完成financial disclosure requirement 表示它要竟选governor。就像表示竟选governor有三种做法,某人按一种做法去表示他要竞选governor,你不能说有其他做法的存在便说他的做法不算,不能表示他要竟选governor。俗话说井水不犯河水嘛。


发表于 2004-10-2 17:54:00 | 只看该作者
唉,youpiao MM解释了才懂41的C是什么意思.
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