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大全-A-12: 这题有点搞...

发表于 2004-6-7 18:00:00 | 只看该作者

大全-A-12: 这题有点搞...

12.   Are you still reading the other newspaper in town? Did you know that the Daily Bugle is owned by an out-of-town business syndicate that couldn’t care less about the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CitylaceType>? Read the Daily Clarion, the only real voice of the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CitylaceType>!

Which of the following most directly refutes the argument raised in the advertisement above?

(A) Over half of the advertising revenues of the Daily Clarion come from firms whose headquarters are located outside of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> City.

(B) The Daily Clarion usually devotes more of its pages to out-of-town news than does the Daily Bugle.

(C) Nearly 40 percent of the readers of the Daily Clarion reside outside the limits of Gotham City.

(D) The editor-in-chief and all the other members of the editorial staff of the Daily Bugle have lived and worked in Gotham City for ten years or more.

(E) The Daily Bugle has been published in Gotham City for a longer time than has the Daily Clarion.

Key: D. My answer is B.  

Why D?

发表于 2004-6-7 23:36:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用海海在2004-6-7 18:00:00的发言:

12.   Are you still reading the other newspaper in town? Did you know that the Daily Bugle is owned by an out-of-town business syndicate that couldn’t care less about the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CitylaceType>? Read the Daily Clarion, the only real voice of the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CitylaceType>!

Which of the following most directly refutes the argument raised in the advertisement above?

(A) Over half of the advertising revenues of the Daily Clarion come from firms whose headquarters are located outside of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> City.

(B) The Daily Clarion usually devotes more of its pages to out-of-town news than does the Daily Bugle.

(C) Nearly 40 percent of the readers of the Daily Clarion reside outside the limits of Gotham City.

(D) The editor-in-chief and all the other members of the editorial staff of the Daily Bugle have lived and worked in Gotham City for ten years or more.

(E) The Daily Bugle has been published in Gotham City for a longer time than has the Daily Clarion.

Key: D. My answer is B.  

Why D?

发表于 2004-6-10 21:11:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-6-11 10:07:00 | 只看该作者



    我将the Daily Bugle is owned by an out-of-town business syndicate that couldn’t care less about the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">City这句话理解为:买Daily Bugle报纸的是 外地的不关心Gotham laceType w:st="on">City人的企业。laceType>laceType>

laceType w:st="on">laceType w:st="on">     而这里是owned,说明是买出版报纸的企业,而不是买报纸laceType>laceType>

发表于 2004-6-11 16:43:00 | 只看该作者

B不能削弱,因为 Daily Clarion devotes more of its pages to out-of-town news 不能直接削弱 Daily Clarion is the only real voice of the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CitylaceType>!


发表于 2005-2-18 11:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用海海在2004-6-7 18:00:00的发言:

12.   Are you still reading the other newspaper in town? Did you know that the Daily Bugle is owned by an out-of-town business syndicate that couldn’t care less about the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CitylaceType>? Read the Daily Clarion, the only real voice of the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CitylaceType>!

Which of the following most directly refutes the argument raised in the advertisement above?

(A) Over half of the advertising revenues of the Daily Clarion come from firms whose headquarters are located outside of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> City.

(B) The Daily Clarion usually devotes more of its pages to out-of-town news than does the Daily Bugle.

(C) Nearly 40 percent of the readers of the Daily Clarion reside outside the limits of Gotham City.

(D) The editor-in-chief and all the other members of the editorial staff of the Daily Bugle have lived and worked in Gotham City for ten years or more.

(E) The Daily Bugle has been published in Gotham City for a longer time than has the Daily Clarion.

Key: D. My answer is B.  

Why D?

发表于 2005-3-14 16:46:00 | 只看该作者


说DB经常刊登外地的消息,但没说本地的消息真不真,而DB报纸的广告强调的是它的老板是外地的,保证的是本地消息的绝对真实性real voice


We should choose D because the argument that we need to weaken is "that the Daily Bugle is owned by an out-of-town business syndicate that couldn’t care less about the people of laceName w:st="on">GothamlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CitylaceType>".

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-14 16:46:29编辑过]
发表于 2005-10-23 20:01:00 | 只看该作者


分析一下,感觉是不是D选项主要weaken了"only"这个字眼。说明DB的主编和员工也是Gotham City人,所以他们写出来的文章也应该是voice of the people of Gotham City,这样的话,DC就不是“唯一的”的。

发表于 2006-9-29 11:17:00 | 只看该作者

大家有没有注意到问题里说的DIRECTLY REFUTES这个词? D更直接的反驳了. 原文说OWNER是城外的, 那怎么直接反驳呢?D说我们的编辑都是城里的老员工了.所以直接反驳了. B根本没题城内新闻的事情. 按OG的说法是unrelated.

发表于 2007-4-6 21:45:00 | 只看该作者

 "I could't care less"的意思是"it would be impossible for me to care less than I do because I do not care at all"。所以这段话的意思是DB的老板是城外的辛迪加(联合企业),一点都不关心Gotham城内的新闻,也就是说报道的都是城外的新闻;而相反地,DC报道的都是Gotham城内的新闻。

我的理解,选项B是对题干中的事实进行了否定,不能算是refute。而D说的是,DB的首席编辑和其他所有工作人员都在Gotham这个城市工作生活了十年以上,所以反驳了could't care less。

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