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发表于 2004-4-3 21:32:00 | 只看该作者


From time to time, the press indulges in outbursts of indignation over the use of false or misleading information by the U.S. government in support of its policies and programs. No one endorses needless deception. But consider this historical analogy. It is known that Christopher Columbus, on his first voyage to the New World, deliberately falsified the log to show a shorter sailing distance for each day out than the ships had actually traveled. In this way, Columbus was able to convince his skeptical sailors that they had not sailed past the point at which they expected to find the shores of India. Without this deception, Columbus’s sailors might well have mutinied, and the New World might never have been discovered.

11.   Which of the following is the main weakness of the historical analogy drawn in the passage above?

(A) The sailors in Columbus’s crew never knew that they had been deceived, while government deception is generally uncovered by the press.

(B) A ship’s log is a record intended mainly for use by the captain, while press reports are generally disseminated for use by the public at large.

(C) The members of a ship’s crew are selected by the captain of the ship, while those who work in the press are self-selected.

(D) The crew of a ship is responsible for the success of a voyage, while the press is not responsible for the use others make of the factual information it publishes.

(E) In a democracy, the people are expected to participate in the nation’s political decision making, while the members of a ship’s crew are expected simply to obey the orders of the captain.

Answer is E; 我看看A,B的差别也有道理.请教这里weaken是找出类比的差别,可是为什么只有E可以???另外,这种题怎样排除其它的差别???

发表于 2004-4-3 23:38:00 | 只看该作者



A不是吧,文章说press indulge ,不是uncover.

这题偶第一次也选错了,选成了D。还是没搞清analogy 的主线造成的。偶感觉这种题型应该是抓住analogy 的主线判断。

发表于 2004-4-6 10:23:00 | 只看该作者
呵呵,pumpkin MM急了。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-6 12:10:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用pumpkin在2004-4-6 8:59:00的发言:

weiyuGG弄明白了米有啊??/ 这个里面的press和government没有关系的. B选项纯粹是混淆视听的. 这里的press可不是听政府的话的. 只是一个把政府欺骗人们的黑幕揭露出来的媒介!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

真不好意思,还让Pumpkin MM为我的问题担心.我真的很感谢Pumpkin MM的解答,我看明白了.真对不起,也没告诉你一声,见谅.

发表于 2005-6-10 03:03:00 | 只看该作者

小生冒然纠正snow_mountain版主对A的解释: indulge 是纵容的意思没错,但是 indulge in 却是"沉湎于","乐于此道"的意思。那Press乐于做什么呢?- uncover the use of false information by government.


Columbus -> government,

crew -> the people,

so try to use Columbus mislead/cheat crew resulted discovery to justify government can mislead/cheat the people. E is clearly the correct answer.

Press is outside the analogy above, whether press uncover the deception is not the main weakness in the analogy.

发表于 2005-6-11 13:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用beechanooi在2005-6-10 3:03:00的发言:

小生冒然纠正snow_mountain版主对A的解释: indulge 是纵容的意思没错,但是 indulge in 却是"沉湎于","乐于此道"的意思。那Press乐于做什么呢?- uncover the use of false information by government.


Columbus -> government,

crew -> the people,

so try to use Columbus mislead/cheat crew resulted discovery to justify government can mislead/cheat the people. E is clearly the correct answer.

Press is outside the analogy above, whether press uncover the deception is not the main weakness in the analogy.



发表于 2006-7-10 22:30:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用beechanooi在2005-6-10 3:03:00的发言:

小生冒然纠正snow_mountain版主对A的解释: indulge 是纵容的意思没错,但是 indulge in 却是"沉湎于","乐于此道"的意思。那Press乐于做什么呢?- uncover the use of false information by government.


Columbus -> government,

crew -> the people,

so try to use Columbus mislead/cheat crew resulted discovery to justify government can mislead/cheat the people. E is clearly the correct answer.

Press is outside the analogy above, whether press uncover the deception is not the main weakness in the analogy.

很简单明了的解释 这道analogy的重点 偶觉得就是寻找类比相对应的对象 很谢谢bechanoo的点拨 

发表于 2006-11-26 22:02:00 | 只看该作者

可是press uncover the deception 不就等与说人们知道自己被骗了么。


另一方面colunbus与government的比较也对啊。 所以我还是不懂a错什么了。

发表于 2009-8-24 21:41:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2009-10-14 17:22:00 | 只看该作者
可是press uncover the deception 不就等与说人们知道自己被骗了么。


另一方面colunbus与government的比较也对啊。 所以我还是不懂a错什么了。

和8楼同疑问. 虽然E在类比方面更准确, 可是A为什么不可以也理解成为people 对 crew呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/14 17:23:28编辑过]
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