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发表于 2003-11-12 20:52:00 | 只看该作者


2. Which of the following best completes the passage below?
One tax-reform proposal that has gained increasing support in recent years is the flat tax, which would impose a uniform tax rate on incomes at every level. Opponents of the flat tax say that a progressive tax system, which levies a higher rate of taxes on higher-income taxpayers, is fairer, placing the greater burden on those better able to bear it. However, the present crazy quilt of tax deductions, exemptions, credits, and loopholes benefits primarily the high-income taxpayer, who is consequently able to reduce his or her effective tax rate, often to a level below that paid by the lower-income taxpayer. Therefore, ______
(A) higher-income taxpayers are likely to lend their support to the flat-tax proposal now being considered by Congress
(B) a flat-tax system that allowed no deductions or exemptions would substantially increase actual government revenues
(C) the lower-income taxpayer might well be penalized by the institution of a flat-tax system in this country
(D) the progressive nature of our present tax system is more illusory than real
(E) the flat tax would actually be fairer to the lower-income taxpayer than any progressive tax system could be

5. Johnson is on firm ground when he asserts that the early editors of Dickinson’s poetry often distorted her intentions. Yet Johnson’s own, more faithful, text is still guilty of its own forms of distortion. To standardize Dickinson’s often indecipherable handwritten punctuation by the use of the dash is to render permanent a casual mode of poetic phrasing that Dickinson surely never expected to see in print. It implies that Dickinson chose the dash as her typical mark of punctuation when, in fact, she apparently never made any definitive choice at all.
Which of the following best summarizes the author’s main point?
(A) Although Johnson is right in criticizing Dickinson’s early editors for their distortion of her work, his own text is guilty of equally serious distortions.
(B) Johnson’s use of the dash in his text of Dickinson’s poetry misleads readers about the poet’s intentions.
(C) Because Dickinson never expected her poetry to be published, virtually any attempt at editing it must run counter to her intentions.
(D) Although Johnson’s attempt to produce a more faithful text of Dickinson’s poetry is well-meaning, his study of the material lacks sufficient thoroughness.
(E) Dickinson’s editors, including Johnson, have failed to deal adequately with the problem of deciphering Dickinson’s handwritten manuscripts.

16. Which of the following best completes the passage below?
the most serious flaw in television’s coverage of election campaigns is its tendency to focus on the horse-race side of politics—that is, to concentrate on the question “Who’s winning?” at the expense of substantive coverage of the issues and the candidates’ positions on them. The endless interviews with campaign managers, discussions of campaign strategies, and, especially, the obsession with opinion polls have surrounded elections with the atmosphere of a football game or a prizefight. To reform this situation, a first step might well be______
(A) a shortening of the length of election campaigns to a period of six weeks
(B) a stringent limit on campaign spending
(C) a reduction in the television coverage of opinion polls during election campaigns
(D) the publication and distribution of voter-education literature to inform the public about each candidate’s position on the major issues
(E) a limit on the length and number of political advertisements broadcast on television

At an enormous research cost, a leading chemical company has developed a manufacturing process for converting wood fibers into a plastic. According to the company, this new plastic can be used for, among other things, the hulls of small sailboats. But what does the company think sailboat hulls used to be made of? Surely the mania for high technology can scarcely go further than this.
18. The author’s opinion of the manufacturing process described in the passage is based primarily on the fact that
(A) plastic is unlikely to be durable enough for high-quality sailboat hulls
(B) the research costs of developing the process outweigh any savings possible from the use of the plastic
(C) a small sailboat is not normally regarded as a high-tech product
(D) hulls for small sailboats can be made from wood without converting it into plastic
(E) many other spheres of human activity are in far greater need of technological research

 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-14 23:07:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-11-23 04:49:00 | 只看该作者

第16题,两个选项都无关。文章一直在说television coverage,并没有指出这些coverage是不是政客们做的advertisement,也没说花钱的问题。
发表于 2007-11-16 12:15:00 | 只看该作者


passage里面说因为电视广告都强调了竞选的竞争性,而竞争性并不是真正应该被强调和关注的,所以要改变这种局面,就要从改变对竞争性的强调入手。我当时选的是e,但E的措施并不能有针对性地削弱电视对竞选竞争性的强调,这一措施有一点“一竿子全部打死”的意味,从某种程度上来说也是扩大了需要解决的问题的范围。而opinion polls作为强调竞争性的最常用手段之一(从espeicially这个词可以看出),减少了了opinion polls,就可以更有针对性地削弱电视对竞选的竞争性的过于强调。


发表于 2009-7-22 13:55:00 | 只看该作者
5中的原文“render permanent a casual mode ”是否应该是“permanently”?
发表于 2009-7-22 14:03:00 | 只看该作者

5题: A:可能是错在equally吧,这是一个文中没有提到的新元素;

E:可能错在“Dickinson‘s editors, including Johnson”。文中只提到Johnson和Johnson以前的,而Johonson以后可能还有Editor.


发表于 2010-7-30 16:09:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-7-30 16:09:40 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 kankan0723 (2010/7/30 16:09:07)

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