24-21 Nobody knows exactly how many languages there are in the world, partly because of the difficulty (of? ) distinguishing between a language and the sub-languages or dialects within it, but those who have tried to count typically have found about five thousand.
A) and the sub-languages or dialects within it, but those who have tried to count typically have found
B) and the sub-languages or dialects within them, with those who have tried counting typically finding
C) and the sub-languages or dialects within it, but those who have tried counting it typically find
D) or the sub-languages or dialects within them, but those who tried to count them typically found
E) or the sub-languages or dialects within them, with those who have tried to count typically finding
KEY:A , 我选了c, 当时认定but 后应该用一般现在时与前句对应.
不太明白为何要用一般完成时, 另外,trying doing 在这里是不是表尝试, 而try to do 则表设法叻, 如果是这样,那A看来是好一点.
那位nn指点一下噢  |