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求教 OG186

发表于 2004-3-25 00:55:00 | 只看该作者

求教 OG186

186. Judge Bonham denied a motion to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day instead of to confine them to to a hotel.

fficeffice" />    

(A) to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day instead of to confine them to

(B) that would have allowed members of the jury to go home at the end of each day instead of confined to

(C) under which members of the jury are allowed to go home at the end of each day instead of confining them in

(D) that would allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day rather than confinement in

(E) to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day rather than be confined to


In this sentence, members of the jury are presented with two options: they may (1) go home or (2) be confined

to a hotel. The rejected motion would have allowed them to do the first rather than [to] suffer the second.

Members of the jury must be the logical subject of both options, and both must be expressed in parallel form,

that is, as infinitive clauses. E, the best choice, observes these requirements. In A and C, the phrase members

of the jury is not the logical subject of the second option, to confine them or confining them, since jury

members are not doing the confining. In B and D, confined and confinement are not infinitives and thus do not

parallel to go in the first option.


关于 E的解释, OG说要对称, 所以rather than前面用 to go home, 之后要用不定式, 但是我看 be confined to a hotel也不像是一个不定式, 是不是省略了什么呢?

发表于 2004-3-25 19:09:00 | 只看该作者
"go home " and "be confined to a hotel" should be parallel. just here "to" before " be confined to a hotel" is omitted.
发表于 2004-3-25 23:03:00 | 只看该作者

og186.fficeffice" />

1. 书面语中instead of 不能接不定式。rather than可以接不定式,该不定式的to通常省略。

2.Allow 有let的意思。所以E的意思是没有问题的。

3.A试图用instead of连结2个不定式定语成分,instead of是一个介词短语,前后两部分不是并列的。所以to allow和to confine是不可以并列修饰motion的,意思上好像是可以的,但语法上不行。

 楼主| 发表于 2004-3-26 21:30:00 | 只看该作者

豁然开朗 谢谢大家 !fficeffice" />

发表于 2005-8-13 18:07:00 | 只看该作者

发表于 2006-7-6 10:53:00 | 只看该作者

allwen99这个问题问的非常好,为了有一个合理的解释,tianwan 的回答算是能说的通,但不清楚instead of后面不可以接不定式,是否有明确的语法出处?对这个解释,我个人还是持怀疑的态度,麻烦tianwan能回答一下.


A选项:to allow members of the jury to go home 与to confine them to a hotel 并列,通过instead of来连接,共同作a motion的定语.意思是:Judge B否定了一个提议, 这个提议是:允许陪审团成员回家而不是把他们限制在宾馆里.这个意思是很清晰的,而且也很符合逻辑的.

而答案E选项的意思,则有些牵强.按E来分析,go home与be confined to hotel并列,通过rather than连接,共同作allow members of the jury的宾语补足语.形成allow sb to do A rather than do B结构,意思是:允许某人作某事A而不是允许某人做某事B,这样在此句中就是---这个提议是:允许陪审团成员回家而不是允许他们被限制在宾馆. "允许他们被限制在宾馆"怎么看怎么不通.

总之,A无论结构还是意思都比E清楚,A唯一的困惑就是instead of后面是否可以接不定式这种结构?instead of作为正确选项,大全606是有先例的,但可惜的是这题不能有力的证明或者否定instead of后面是否可以接不定式 ,如下:

大全606      Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity. 

            (A) that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity

(B) of producing and understanding it have revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity

(C) by which it is produced and understood has revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity

(D) by which it is produced and understood have revealed great complexity rather than underlying simplicityA

(E) by which one produces and understands it have revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity


发表于 2006-8-7 18:27:00 | 只看该作者
Judge Bonham denied a motion to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day rather than to confine them to a hotel.

請問哪裡錯,我知道解答有說明應該是(E)to go home 和 to be confined比
變成to allow... 和to confine 比呢

发表于 2007-1-16 23:47:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用jamesguitar在2006-8-7 18:27:00的发言:
Judge Bonham denied a motion to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day rather than to confine them to a hotel.

請問哪裡錯,我知道解答有說明應該是(E)to go home 和 to be confined比
變成to allow... 和to confine 比呢




[Tn,] ~ sb/sth (in/to sth) keep (a person or an animal) in a restricted space 限制在某空间以内: Is it cruel to confine a bird in a cage? 把鸟关在笼子里残忍不残忍? * After her operation, she was confined to bed for a week. 她手术之后已卧床一星期了. * I should hate to be confined in an office all day. 我讨厌整天关在办公室里.
[] ~ sb/sth to sth restrict or keep sb/sth within certain limits 将某人[某事物]限制在一定范围以内: I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject. 我希望演讲者不要离题. * Confine your criticism to matters you understand. 发表评论时不要超出自己所了解的事情的范围
如果按照你的说法,用confine them to the hotel, 也就是字典里的第二个用法,~ sb/sth to sth restrict or keep sb/sth within certain limits,那么是否可以理解为unidiomatic .
因为第一个用法:~ sb/sth (in/to sth) keep (a person or an animal) in a restricted space 限制在某空间以内
所以只能用(to)be confined to a hotel.
open to discuss!!
发表于 2008-6-15 17:34:00 | 只看该作者


本题的矛盾点在于confine到底是应该和allow平行还是go home平行的问题,这是大家争论的焦点

如果confine是和前面的allow平行,其意义则说明to allow 和 to confine是两个motion,而Judge Bonham要在两个motion之间做出选择,而事实上未划线部分说明了只有一个motion,所以后面的to allow应该是一个整体而不是由 to allow 和 to confine构成的并列结构

也就是说,to allow 后面引导了两个平行动作,to go home 和 be confined


Judge Bonham denied a motion to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day instead of a motion to confine them to a hotel.



open to discuss

发表于 2008-7-9 20:21:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tianwan在2004-3-25 23:03:00的发言:



1. 书面语中instead of 不能接不定式。rather than可以接不定式,该不定式的to通常省略。


2.Allow 有let的意思。所以E的意思是没有问题的。


3.A试图用instead of连结2个不定式定语成分,instead of是一个介词短语,前后两部分不是并列的。所以to allow和to confine是不可以并列修饰motion的,意思上好像是可以的,但语法上不行


关于第三点有疑问,黄色部分为什么?谁能详细解释?另外A选项中的THEM是不是犯了无指代的错误,如果把to allow members和 to confine them看作并列的话,denied a motion to allow members....instead of a motion to confine them...them能指代members吗??

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-9 20:21:39编辑过]
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