以下是引用ca3ltoys在2004-3-12 2:05:00的发言: In 1973 mortgages payments represented twenty-one percent of an average thirty-year-old male's income;and forty-four percent in 1984 a) income;and forty-four percent in 1984 前面有分号,后面就不应该有and b) income;in 1984 the figure was forty-four percent c) income,and in 1984 forty-four percent 省略太多,可以理解为in 1984 forty-four percent represented...of..income,也可理解为in 1984 mortgages payments represented forty-four percent of an average ...income,也可能指mortgages payments represented forty-four percent of an average sixty-year-old female's income, and so forth.模糊不清 d) income,forty-four percent in 1984 was the figure in 1984 位置不妥,变成forty-four percent只在1984代表... ,另外, 两个单独的句子,或者用句号,或者应该中间加上关系词,如and, however,逗号此处不对 e) income that rose to forty-four percent in 1984 that修饰income不妥
hi ca3ltoys
1. in 1984 the figure was forty-four percent
2.forty-four percent in 1984 was the figure
i know that the two sentences above is different in meaning , however , i can't detect it even though i read what you offer ........
could you kindly help me clarify it ? 3Q ^^