Like their male counterparts, women scientists are above average in terms of intelligence and creativity, but unlike men of science, their female counterparts have had to work against the grain of occupational stereotyping to enter a "man's world."
OG 244. Like their male counterparts, women scientists are above average in terms of intelligence and creativity, but unlike men of science, their female counterparts have had to work against the grain of occupational stereotyping to enter a "man's world." (A) their female counterparts have had to work (B) their problem is working (C) one thing they have had to do is work (D) the handicap women of science have had is to work (E) women of science have had to work E is the best choice. The meaning is clear despite the relative complexity of the sentence, the comparison of women with men is logical, and parallelism is maintained throughout. In A, the construction unlike men of science, their female counterparts violates rules of parallelism (越并列越好) and syntax. It would best be rendered as unlike men of science, women of science .... Choice B incorrectly suggests that a comparison is being made between men of science and a. problem faced by female scientists. In C, the lengthy separation between women and they makes the pronoun reference vague (表达的有效性) , and the comparison between men of science and one thing (rather than women of science) is faulty. The phrasing is unnecessarily wordy as well. Choice D introduces unnecessary redundancy and awkwardness with the construction the handicap women ... have had _ is to work. Choice D also incorrectly compares male scientists with a handicap faced by female scientists. 答案是没有疑问的,但是 请问E中的时态怎么理解? 请大家指教!