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发表于 2006-6-20 20:34:00 | 只看该作者



Although improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products

may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and

lowering prices, thereby boosting consumption.

A.     in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

 rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices,

thereby boosting.

B.     In converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply and

lowering prices, which boost.

C.     Of converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices,

which boosts.

D.     Of harvested trees being converted into wood products may reduce

harvest rates, it will stimulate demand, because it will increase supply

and lower prices, thereby boosting.

E.      When harvested trees are converted into wood products may reduce

harvest rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply

and lowering prices, which boost.



1)b选项使用被动不好,b中不知道demand是被谁刺激的.a很清楚it优先指代improved efficiency
是improved efficiency 刺激需求

2)b中because of用法错误,在gmat中必须是because of one's doing,现在不知道是谁 increasing supply and

lowering prices

3)b中的which逻辑上有歧意.逻辑上修饰increasing supply and

lowering prices,但原句是improved efficiency 刺激comsunption,逻辑不合理

而且which可能指increasing supply and

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,但原句是improved efficiency 刺激comsunption,逻辑不合理

而且which可能指increasing supply and

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices

3)b中的which逻辑上有歧意.逻辑上修饰increasing supply and

lowering prices,但原句是improved efficiency 刺激comsunption,逻辑不合理

而且which可能指increasing supply and

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,但原句是improved efficiency 刺激comsunption,逻辑不合理

而且which可能指increasing supply and

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-20 20:45:18编辑过]
发表于 2006-8-3 19:11:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-8-4 00:44:00 | 只看该作者


选项B里的demand will be stimulated 和, which boost 都有问题啊。

发表于 2006-8-4 01:08:00 | 只看该作者

A looks good but it's logical meaning is wrong.

A says that it is the demand that stimulates the consumption, but the fact is the other way around.

B.     In converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply and

lowering prices, which boost.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.

发表于 2008-2-22 04:40:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用mbz在2006-8-4 1:08:00的发言:

A looks good but it's logical meaning is wrong.

A says that it is the demand that stimulates the consumption, but the fact is the other way around.(A没有说demand刺激消费,而是efficiency刺激demand,最后导致boost消费)

B.     In converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply and

lowering prices, which boost.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.(b中的which指代不明,可以指代 prices,也可以指代 supply+prices,况且supply和prices能boost消费罗机上确实也不通)

发表于 2008-2-22 04:54:00 | 只看该作者
How can B be the answer??
Your reasoning is correct, A is the best choice.

发表于 2008-2-22 07:32:00 | 只看该作者
A is best
发表于 2008-2-22 10:46:00 | 只看该作者
another vote for A.
发表于 2008-7-7 18:16:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-8-11 21:59:00 | 只看该作者
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