3. A collection of 38 poems by Phillis Wheatley, a slave, was published in the 1770’s, the first book by a Black woman and it was only the second published by an American woman.
(A) it was only the second published by an American woman
(B) it was only the second that an American woman published
(C) the second one only published by an American woman
(D) the second one only that an American woman published(E)
(E) only the second published by an American woman
看过前面大家的讨论了,发现问题集中在only的用法上,但我的疑问是:为什么second后面one是多余的呢?这不正和and前面的book平行吗?总感觉E少了one读上去怪怪的。请大家不吝赐教啊 |