3-9: if r is a constant and an=r * n for all positive integers n, for how many values of n is an<100? 1) a50=500 2) a100+a105=2,050 题目看不太懂,所以牢烦NN给解释一下。 3-15: If n and k are positive integers, is n/k an even integer? 1) n is divisible by 8 2) k is divisible by 4 我选的是c,其实没有真正理解他们之间的关系,please any NN? 3-16: If n is a positive integer and r is the remainder when (n-1)(n+1) is divided by 24,what is the value of r? 1) 2 is not a factor of n. 2) 3 is not a factor of n. 同上题是同样的问题。 3-36:If M is the least common multiple of 90,196, and 300, which of the following is NOT a factor of M? A. 600 B. 700 C. 900 D. 2100 E. 4900 除了代入法,还有什么好的方法吗? 麻烦大家了,谢谢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-20 12:20:21编辑过] |