Q35: Station X and station Y are connected by two separate, straight parallel rail lines that are 250 miles long. Train P and train Q simultaneously left station X and station Y, respectively, and each train traveled to the other's point of departure.The two trains passed each other after traveling for 2 hours. When the two train passed, which train was nearer to its destination (1)At the time when the two trains passed,train P have averaged a speed of 70 miles per hour. (2)Train Q averaged a speed of 55 miles per hour for the entire trip. 从题面上看似乎70*2=140的所行距离 55*2=110的所行距离 相加又可以得到全长为250 所以可以比较哪个更近:选C 可是我总觉得题目没有交代是匀速行驶,若是变速行驶,即使在同一平均速度下,相遇的点可以是多个啊?所以想选E.
why not A? If train P have averaged a speed of 70 miles per hour, thentwo hours later,p travel 70*2=140miles,so,p will be the one morenearer to its destination. please discuss....