AA “A year ago Apex Manufacturing bought its managers computers for their homes and paid for telephone connections so that they could access Apex computers and data files from home after normal business hours. Since last year, productivity at Apex has increased by 15 percent. Other companies can learn from the success at Apex: given home computers and access to company resources, employees will work additional hours at home and thereby increase company profits.” AI 范文第九篇
数学 1. 两个点(0,0)和(a,b)是正方形的两个顶点,问这个正方形在第一象限的面积是否大于10 (1)a>1, b=10 (2) a<不记得是4还是5了
2. (n-1)!, (n+1)!, n!这三个数的最大公约数为120,求n 答案:6 (n-1)!= 120
3. 150户居民五月平均用电量为多少多少千瓦时,(数字给出)。六月份总量涨了20%,问六月份平均用电量最接近多少千瓦时 答案:60000
4. 这题本月机经有,当时的提供者说是出现在倒数第二题,看不懂题目,我今天也是倒数第二题碰到的,也没看懂。说的是一个田字格正方形ABCD,里面有两条对角线,正方形里面这四条线相交于点I,问题是:how many triangles have 3 of point A through point I have 3 of that lines. that lines 应该是指的那四条线。这句话我好像漏了个词或者多了个词,如果多了个词估计是第一个have,但我确定出现了两个3,还有一种可能,是point A of 3,不太记得了,反正3和point A 这之间有of连接,第二个3是对应lines,我愣是看了8分钟没看懂。也不知道为什么还剩两题的时候我奇迹般的剩下了18分钟,所以这题奢侈的花了8分钟来看,但还是没看懂
最后祝每位考友杀G成功! |