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发表于 2008-1-10 20:26:00 | 只看该作者


二战这个成绩...也就这样了.数学基本全是JJ, VERB语法不难,长长短短的,注意细节一般都能排除.CR难,阅读选项比较难.很想给大家贡献点什么,但是实在能想起来的不多.  上次考那么烂,出来还在对面逛了半天,还能回忆出不少,这次很抱歉了. 感谢小G,小L,等无私奉献.

AA: 31. The following appeared as part of the business plan of an investment and financial consulting firm.

“Studies suggest that an average coffee drinker’s consumption of coffee increases with age, from age 10 through age 60. Even after age 60, coffee consumption remains high. The average cola drinker’s consumption of cola, however, declines with increasing age. Both of these trends have remained stable for the past 40 years. Given that the number of older adults will significantly increase as the population ages over the next 20 years, it follows that the demand for coffee will increase and the demand for cola will decrease during this period. We should, therefore, consider transferring our investments from Cola Loca to Early Bird Coffee.”

AI:100. If a nation is to ensure its own economic success, it must maintain a highly competitive educational system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1.N+19 是N+3的倍数,问有几个这样的N?(3)

2.x^2+ax+b=0,如果有两个正根,下面哪项是能够得出的(a<0,   ab<0)




RC:1,上来就遇到只有一句话的JJ环境资源定价,完全没读懂是什么意思,到最后也没明白,完全糊涂,(RP按说不错啊,估计就坏在这篇阅读了,没办法): 来回讲三个人的观点(注意定位三个人的名字),关于ecosystem和economic value, 有的专家说ecosystem...(有考题,非常不好选,)另一个专家大意是说说通过旅游资源可以有收入,能保护森林啊什么的.....文章不长,但句意理解困难.



4,考古中的科学定年法.文章不难.C14方法不能解决一些问题年代过久的东西的年代测定,因为样本数量太少(有一题是问新方法的特点,答案是有sufficient 的样本).另一个方法,能够解决这些问题,而且还有其它的一些有用的作用.有主题题,一个新的方法的应用及潜在价值.




是关于rare species & common species of bird

说在赤道地区rare species common ones tend to live longer, while regardless the wet environment or frequent fire. 问解释






A. 如果那现金奖的人觉得自己有时间去旅游的话他也会选择旅游奖的

5, 某个冬冬把地球被撞了一下后,地球的碎片形成了月球。但是另外一个星球,跟地球的情形差不多,为什么没有个月亮绕着转呢?其实那个星球本来有个小月亮的,但是后来再次被撞,这次碰撞改变了这个星球的重力系统,吸引不住小月亮,于是小月亮就丢到太空里了。问assumption.


6,Scientists typically do their most creative work before the age of forty.  It is commonly thought that this happens because   aging by itself brings about a loss of creative capacity.  However, studies show that a disproportionately large number of the scientists who produce highly creative work beyond the age of forty entered their field at an older age than is usual.  Since by the age of forty the large majority of scientists have been working in their field for at least fifteen years, the studies’ finding strongly suggests that the real reason why scientists over forty rarely produce highly creative work is not that they have simply aged but rather that they generally have spent too long in a given field.

In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A.                  The first is the position that the argument as a whole opposes; the second is an objection that has been raised against a position defended in the argument.

B.                  The first is a claim that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is a finding that has been used in support of that position.

C.                 The first is an explanation that the argument challenges; the second is a finding that has been used in support of that explanation.

D.                 The first is an explanation that the argument challenges; the second is a finding on which that challenge is based.

E.                  The first is an explanation that the argument defends; the second is a finding that has been used to challenge that explanation.



发表于 2008-1-10 20:47:00 | 只看该作者
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