以下是引用mike999在2005-3-11 9:19:00的发言:对此我有一些不同的看法供分享。
对于中欧在面试时问到的这个问题,很多商学院都会关心,有的甚至在essay里就会直接问这个问题;因为每个商学院都有自己的特点和侧重,并非适合每个申请人的职业规划和要求,申请人在挑选适合自己的学校,学校也同时在挑选符合自己标准的申请人,对于full-time MBA这样需要巨大投入的学习,这种关心双方匹配的做法我觉得和大牌不大牌没有多少关系,而是谨慎和务实的做法。
相反,如果不管双方的实际情况和需要,只是一味地强调“招生”,为了招生而招生,那就忽略了商学院立足的根本,对申请人也是不负责任的。另外,我也一直不同意把MBA的录取叫做招生,如果直接翻译,招生应该和“recruiting"比较近义,而实际上,国际上绝大多数商学院的MBA都叫"admission(s) office",中文翻译大概叫“录取办公室”更加贴近,比较符合择优录用的原则,少了些“招生”的功利和急躁。
I disagree with xuehan neither.
Before I carry on, I have to make again the point clear that all the remarks have nothing to do with CEIBS.
I did not feel the so-called “大牌” the way xuehan felt. On contrary, my interviewers are quite amiable and thorough when I was interviewed at CEIBS. I attribute the misrepresentation of CEIBS as “大牌” by some friends to the shortage of objectivity. When analyzing, we often assume that we are subjective. However, this is not always the case.
I am not representative of CEIBS; likewise, the insufferable presumption shown on some work staff of CEIBS or which some interviewees of CEIBS felt does not represent the attitudes of work staffs of CEIBS in general.
In addition, the reason why some interviewees rushed to the conclusion that CEIBS pretend to be a big shot is simply that sometimes interviewees fail to differentiate two distinct concepts, namely, the aggressiveness of questions asked by interviewers and the arrogance of interviewers.
Yes, I also felt the “heat”, the aggressiveness of questions that interviewers formulated to me when in CEIBS. One question was so horrible and embarrassed me so much that I had to contemplate for nearly one minute before I gave my final answer. Even after that question, I could not help repeating in my mind “shit, is that a question coming from your mouth? Are you out of your sense? What the hell do you guys want to know?” but eventually, everything turned out to be good. My interviewers’ smile calmed me down and we resumed our chatting as we were old friends.
As the spoken English, I think CEIBS’s interviewers and interviewees are better that those of CKGSB in this regard. Perhaps because we are in different group as the fiend above mentioned. Most professors in CKGSB are not native speakers, remember?