如果申请2005年入学的,那么多数学校第一轮已经结束,所以你的第二个问题已经没有意义了,比较认同的答案是,在你准备好的时候再申请,所以第一轮还是第二轮视你自己的情况。 第一个问题,我摘抄一些在CD上看到的文章的观点供参考: ------------------------------------------ (八)选择性的题目。许多学校利用选择性的题目给申请人一个机会,让他们加入一些无法包括在申请材料基本格式中的材料。例如: What would you like for the Admissions Committee to know about you, that might not be apparent through the materials in your fi1e, before we make a decision? (Duke University's Fuqua School of Business) What e1se would you like to share with the Admissions Committee that is not presented elsewhere in your application? If you feel that your credentials and application represent you fully,then do not feel obligated to write anything more. (Wharton)(Optional) Is there any other information that you believe would be helpful to the Board in understanding you better and in considering your application? Please be concise. (Harvard) 申请者应该抓住这样的机会,抛开在申请过程中一直恪守的死板格式,充分展示自己,加深评审委员会对你的了解,扩大自己的录取机会。 需要提醒读者注意的是,写“任选”短文,不要局限在工作或学业领域内。因为这两方面的内容通常已经体现在申请材料的其他部分了。申请人应运用“任选”短文向评审委员会展示自己的另外一个侧面,突出自己的与众不同之处 -------------------------------------------- (4) Word Limits & the Optional Essay
Most schools are serious about their assigned essay lengths. You can exceed the limits by 50 words or so, but 100 words is pushing it. That's especially true at Harvard, where the essays are very short.
Also, writing a long diatribe for the optional essay (which usually goes something like, "Tell us anything else you think we should know.") is a sure way to tick your reader off. I've heard a dozen admissions directors asked about the optional essay, and every one of them said the same thing: "Don't use it unless you have to. And if you have to, then be brief."
The optional essay is not a forum for you to unload all of your insecurities about applying to B-school. ("I'm sorry for my grades in college, but I was on drugs a lot and I didn't know what I was doing.") Use it only to explain something that is important but that wasn't addressed elsewhere in the application.
And the optional essay doesn't have to be about something negative (though it usually is). If you are going to use it to explain sub-par grades, don't whine or make excuses. Tell your story and then shut up.
Even if your optional essay is going to be about something good, don't ramble on. Be brief and to-the-point.