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发表于 2004-9-28 00:46:00 | 只看该作者



2。今年Darden的essay第一题:Write your life story in one page or less 按照application form上的说明,还要double space,ft,这不就表明了限制在300字左右吗?各位大大,300字左右写自己的life story,如何个突出重点啊?个人觉得几个故事稍微叙述一下就得超过。工作上的东西要写在这里吗?

3。我GMAT720(81 verbal,95%quan,AWA低,3.5), tofel预备10月初考,主要想把AWA拉上来点。工作吗,国内两年,在新加坡2年半(目前),作biotech方面,负责一个部门(呵呵,小部门,加自己也就4,5个人的那种,当然说得时候会适当加大些,作gene chip的生产,和技术支持),还负责培训,tech developmet 以及来人的时候show show等方面吧,有个patent pending,不过最快也得明年春天出来。MBA后的想法:最想的是不作resaerch了,Mgr  Consulting 或Marketing,不过现在说就这么大大咧咧的跟Admin说要转行会被拍死(工作不好找,不容易转;还有就是不好写essay),所以呐,比较实际的说法是,继续留在biotech/pharma这个industry,不过想往high level上窜,也考虑entrepreneurship。

问,这样的条件申请Darden要注意那些方面?essay往哪儿靠比较好,Darden今年有没有什么新的program出来与之相关的?还有,其他的哪些学校可能会对high tech方面的人感点兴趣的?


发表于 2004-9-29 23:33:00 | 只看该作者


2,确定自己的坐标,找到合适自己的切入点。life story 可写的东西很多,但要让人看到比较完整的职业履历,日趋明确的职业发展方向,当然还要有成熟的人格魅力。


发表于 2004-10-1 11:09:00 | 只看该作者
The life story essay is really for career development only. Just make clear that whay kind of life events shaped you and your career goal. The is an insider's advice.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-1 13:39:00 | 只看该作者

Thanks to all the upstairs!

But still several questiones.

1, It requires the life story with one page or less, how can I cover my career develop. and my personality as well? If I don't guess wrong, it is asking to give an outline of your life so far, is it? or just tell one or two happenings that shaped your life?

2, In the following questiones, why MBA, why Darden and whats your most leadership experience... I think those questiones are asking about your career plan and your target, I'm required to give a "big" picture about my career development. So, back to the first one, should I start my career descriptions at the very beginning?

Thanks again for the advice, waiting for the reply....   

发表于 2004-10-2 08:42:00 | 只看该作者

Question 1: that requirement is on purpose. Because eventually your life story will need to be condensed to a 30-seconds elevator pitch. This decision is greatly shaped by the Career Development Center. You need to have a hook. In other words, what do you want other people remember you?

Question 2: After you identified your life theme or hook, you need to articulate why a MBA degree from Darden can help you achieve your career goal.

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