今天Cornell的decision date,肯定也有不少申友拿到offer吧。 我2号面试的,4号就接到电话了,而且说明了给16k 的Scholarship 。通过以往校友经验,好像中国的admitted都给了scholarship。 我的感觉:Cornell筛选基本不管你是什么pool的,每年最终入学的大陆学生不多。常青藤的标准还是比较复杂点。今年的essay我觉得就那篇写自转目录的essay最顺手,我简直就是事情太多找不到地方写,cornell给的这机会让我觉得有出彩之处。 cornell的tough academic study有点怕怕,不过student真的感觉都很好,毕竟远离城市人都很nice而且愿意帮忙! 面试后2天就收到康奈尔MBA的录取通知了 Cornell Johnson Offer ! 而且还有部分奖学金!第一个offer,还带奖学金,是个好开始!期待下一个面试通知:) 今天6号一早收到的Offer package还真是做得不错,很详细的一本册子和一封信 附带我的面试经历,给后人留点重要帮助吧:
On-campus /2 yr student / Round 2 (done on February 2rd, 2009) I had the interview on-campus at the Cornell Johnson School for the November application round. To my surprise, the admission staff didn't even mention other options, just let me choose which time is OK for me to have the interview on campus. I drove up the morning before from New York City (4 hour drive), toured around the campus, talked to some students I contacted before and stayed at the super8 motel downtown(cheap but great). On campus parking is free for admission visitors, so don't worry about parking. Just drive to one of the four info booth and identify yourself as admission visitor they'll give a parking permit, a map and a clear direction about where to park, how to get there. (the staff in the info booth was a pretty blonde student worked as a part-time!) My interview was with a 2nd year student who had already signed his offer, so he really spent some time reading my resume and made marks and prepared specific questions. We talked in one of the breakout room (no. 121). Although it's a blind interview, I found the interview a little bit challenging than other reported interviews but the interviewer was nice and I believe I've also prepared well. It lasted about 50 minutes. Questions Asked: - I've read thru your resume and let's start with your most recent one, ok?
- The employment gap? what did you do? (unemployed during the application process)
- Why MBA?
- why now?
- which specific area and location are you intrested in? (related to my goal)
- what's your 3 strongest strengths and weakness?
- How will you do to turnaround a difficult team situation, when someone don't even care to contribute?
- What other schools are you applying to?
- what activities will you join if admited? anything specificly interested in Johnson?
- What questions do you have for me?
In addition to these questions he asked many follow-up questions that were specific to my responses. I also scheduled a class visit / information session / lunch(only 7 dollar coupon for 1 person, other schools I visited even provided for my girl friend) / tour with current students, which I found not so helpful. When I drove back to NY in the afternoon, the snow came. The Pocono Mt was all in snow and very difficult to even see the road. The location of Ithaca really is a problem for some others, but I'm OK.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-7 0:44:09编辑过] |