Please do not talk about ranking, as i think ranking might be usaful comparing between top 10 and top 50, but is meaningless in comparing these two school. Culture wise, I love MIT because of its creativity ... all the hacks. I love to be with those truely smart and creative people. I know this is personal rather than a prefessional motivation. location wise, Stanford is good because of the weather and proximity to silicon valley. Boston is historical city and should be a place worth living as well from career perspective I assume? unfortunately I never been to Boston so no idea how it feels. The life style in Bay Area seems great but I do not mind living in a big city either. For the rest factors, I really can not tell the difference. both are extraodinary schools. MIT has a slightly longer program and more intensive and quantative curriculum. As an engineer I feel pretty ok about that. After all, you are here to learn, the more the better. I am not interested in banking or consulting, but I am interesting in doing general management in corporate and startup. Thank you for your opinions!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-29 14:25:26编辑过] |