Got the phone call from Amy 0900am today. My first and probably the only offer with a small amount of scholarship Background: 4.5 w/e in a diplomatic environment. GMAT 770, T116, GPA3.5, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was interviewed by Amy on 10 February in Beijing. Here is the question list and some tips on tuck interview: walk through your resume why MBA career goals why tuck leadership example How to balanace work and life hobbies tips on interview: Small talks matter - We started the conversation from the weather and ended our conversation with my advice to her trip to the Great Wall. These small talks not only help me calm down but also present a kind and ready-to-help image to the adcom officer. Utilize all the resources available to show your loyalty to tuck: The "why tuck" question especially important in both interview and essays because not every one is suitable for the rural life in Hanover.During the interview, I am taking notes with a tuck pen. I also expressed my appreciation for the tuck students and alumni who had correspondences with with me. know the person you are talking to(知己知彼 百战不殆):Even before the interview, I already had knew a couple of things that i shared in common with the adcom officer, and I dug these issues deeper during the Q&A session. Hope the above info is helpful for those applicants keen on Tuck.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-23 11:54:16编辑过] |