Thank you all for your answer for my last post
I have decided to go to Kellogg.
I have a lot of first hand data for GSB because I was living in Hyde Park for more than 2 years while my wife was pursuing her master degree at University of Chicago.
The security at U of C is good as long as you play with the rule: live your life around campus and do not go across 60th street and 47th street. Hence, it is not a big concern for me. However, here are the reasons
1) Employment
Full Time Job Acceptance/Full Time Graduate Employment 2002 2003 2004 2005 Kellogg 75.00% 86% 83% 94.5% Worst case 89.4%* Chicago 70% 74.60% 77.10% 87.20% * No part time data for 2005 yet. Use highest part time rate(56.9%) is 89.4%(2004 data). 2004 is especially good for part time student. Out of 62 graduating student, 35 found jobs. The average percentage for part time is around 25%, transforming an very impressive 94.5% employment rate for 2005 How is percentage is calculated: The raw data is from employment statistics from both schools. However, adjustment must be made. Take 2004 year data, for example. Chicago only gaves statistics for full-time, joint degree and IMBA data, while Kellogg data contains part time student(The manager's program) Below is the logic to calculate the data:
Full Time Graduates |
Seeking Jobs |
Full Time Job Acceptance |
Full Time Job Acceptance/Full Time Graduate |
Chicago |
568 |
500 |
87.60% |
500*87.6%/568=77.1% |
Total Graduates |
Part Time |
Full Time Graduate |
Total Job Acceptance |
Part time Acceptance |
Full Time Job Acceptance |
Full Time Job Acceptance/Full Time Graduate |
Kellogg |
704 |
62 |
642 |
568 |
35 |
533 |
533/642 = 83% |
2) Student quality
I have nothing to say about full time graduate for both programs. I have meet more than 10 full time graduates of GSB and not very impressed by them during Chicago’s job fair. One big tip for GSB graduate: Buy a nice suit which fit you before coming to USA. I do not know about Kellogg graduate because I never met one before. Maybe they need some dressing tips too.
However, I am very familiar with both part time programs. The quality of part time Kellogg is much higher than that of Chicago GSB. The average GMAT of Kellogg part time new student is about 695. The more impressive is that the average of applicant denying application for Kellogg is around 690. Chicago GSB has an average of 660 for successful applicant. In you use part time data as yardstick for full-time, you will have a conclusion that Kellogg is better than GSB.
Also, in recent year, Kellogg does not admit enough students that it wants. Instead of recruiting less qualified student, Kellogg would rather leave the seat empty. Chicago is just giving admission until every seat is filled.
3) Diversity
50% of 30 plus GSB Chinese student is from USA. Most of them are engineering major with computer background. Kellogg’s Chinese student is more balanced. Also, Chicago admitted too many high GMAT score student, which definitely favor the math/science undergraduate major.
4) Alumni
Rumor has it that Chicago GSB student does not want to help others too much. It is obviously because there is only 6 major brokerage firms in US and if you are in, my chance is much smaller. Kellogg has much better reputation because the graduate has much more choice than finance along. Also, when the job market hit hardest in 2002 and 2003, Chicago GSB graduate does not seem to get enough help from alumni while Kellogg provides 1 to 1 assistance to every graduating student.
5) Culture
Kellogg encourages teamwork. GSB focus on independent ability. However, I am good at analytical analysis. I want to learn teamwork. I think most Chinese applicant need to work on teamwork instead of analytical analysis.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 3:23:39编辑过] |