a Fuqua class'97 guy. He used to work for P&G, PWC, McK, and VC, now an independent consultant with focus on small companies' operations strategy.
I went to his office in Santa Monica. Pretty big office and nice sea view.
He is friendly but serious. Questions are sort of tough. I have to say this is the toughest interview I have ever had in America.
why MBA and my career goal, it is simple
but he did challenge me on why not part time MBA, why not study on job, why not switch to another company...... anyway, i have considered those questions for a long time, not too tough.
then leadership example, simple too
then have you ever convinced your clients, supervisor, or colleagues to do sth and made huge success, example
have you ever been involved in office politics, what did you do, example
have you ever been angry with ur teamates? what did you do, example
have you failed in a team work, and it is u that figured out finally and brought the team back to the right track, example
If you were admission committee, how would you evaluate yourself as a candidate to fuqua. are you the best fit?
Never prepared so many stories. I had to provide him stories in the shortest time and pay much attention to teamwork and innovative spirit coz he mentioned these all through the interview.
He did not smile at all and looked straight at me. Who said fuqua guys are all friendly? hehe, just kidding
And my questions for him are:
1. How does fuqua prepare students to compete with those from schools in big cities such as nyc, chicago, LA, and SF
2. What made you choose duke
3. At what aspect, do you think fuqua helped you achieve current success?
then i was about to finish my questions, but i suddenly found there was a basketball in his office.
So I asked, by the way, is duke's basketball team still great?
Then, finally he laughed:" yeah, of course, you watch basketball?
yeah, of course. .....
then another 10 minutes talk about basketball and yao ming
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-1 12:38:33编辑过] |