1.Introduce yourself.
2.Scan Resume-What’s your current job function? (I talked about my accomplishments at work.)
3.Why Duke? (I talked about why MBA and why Duke.)
4.Follow on question: why you are interested in corporation? Not consulting? How’s your view on your industry?
5.What else you want me know? (I talked about my part time activities.)
6.Any hobbies?
7.What other schools have you applied? What is your GMAT school?
8.Any question for me?
感觉没有一个问题list,是随心所欲提问的。Michigan 校友面试的时候是在网上一边写feedback的,这个校友告诉我时候会写一个报告。
最后的时候谈话很有意思。他告诉我: The interview can not guarantee your admission, but can definitely deny it. 我心里紧张,难道是说我不行吗?后来有用中文说:点头不算,摇头算。面试只是申请一个环节,不是决定性作用。可能他是想告诉我面试不能保证我录取,应该还算是一个positive的结果。
附,cicilla 斑竹的duke面经 http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=13&ID=142768&replyID=&skin=0