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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-28 22:59:00 | 只看该作者
不好意思啊 lawyer 还是没太理解
发表于 2004-10-28 23:10:00 | 只看该作者
原文第一句话说:The more television children watch, the less competent they are in mathematical knowledge。C说Children who want to do well in advanced measurement and geometry(mathematical knowledge的子概念) will watch less television.如果原文这句话对,那C是不是也肯定对。也就是说C岂不是废话。既然原文都说了,作者都已经作为推出结论的前提了,还需要你去假设吗。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-29 01:14:00 | 只看该作者


通过这题 我理解假设应该是推理成立的必要条件 是隐含的 凡是原文给的前提或结论或题干中直接给出的信息什么的 都不是假设 这是不是在must be true/ infer题里也同样地适用

我确实对逻辑的一些基本概念都没搞清 麻烦你了 谢谢

发表于 2004-10-29 02:53:00 | 只看该作者

跟MUST BE/INFER怎一样。如果是MUST BE TRUE,那C当然是答案。MUST BE TRUE是根据原文的信息,下列选项一定对。即使是原文的原话,那更好,但出题人不会这样给答案的。

 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-29 03:01:00 | 只看该作者

lawyer: 在费费

Questions 64-65

If the city council institutes new parking regulations, city revenues will surely increase, since studies have conclusively shown that, if such parking regulations are put into effect, there is an increase in parking violations, and an increase in parking violations will result in a greater number of parking fines collected.

64. If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following must also be true?

A.        Unless there is an increase in the number of parking violations in the city, city revenues will not increase.  City revenueà parking violation

B.        If the city council institutes new parking regulations, the council will fall from favor with the citizens.

C.        The city council will institute new parking regulations only if an increase in city revenues can be expected to result. Parking regulationà increase in revenue

D.       If the city council’s new regulations cause more parking violators to be ticketed, the city revenues will increase.  More ticketsà increase revenue

E.        Unless the city institutes a complex system of parking regulations, the city cannot expect traffic violations to increase.


D is correct.

Mariezhu:Choice C just repeats the conclusion: institution of new regulations -> increase of city revenues. it fails to fill the gap between institution of regulations and increase of revenues.
new regulations -> more violations-> more fines collected(increase of revenues)

D因为是fill the gap.

我当时选的是C C就是原文结论的重述 所以错了

发表于 2004-10-29 03:39:00 | 只看该作者


2。MUST BE TRUE问题的本质意义是:如果原文的话是对的,那个选项一定对。那末,重复原文原话是不是一定对。如果是,那岂不就是答案,如果不是,那岂不和原文矛盾,因为原文已假设都对。

3。你说的费费题C错的原因不是重复了原文的原话。原文是If the city council institutes new parking regulations, city revenues will surely increase。而C是The city council will institute new parking regulations only if an increase in city revenues can be expected to result。注意黑体的差别。一个是客观(will),一个是主观(be expected to)。一个是必然(will surely),一个是可能(can)

 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-29 04:01:00 | 只看该作者

lawyer: 如果没有与你讨论这道题 我就把must be true/ assumption的做法搞混了 而且还当作真理给记住了


感谢你啊 lawyer

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-29 4:02:01编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-29 05:11:00 | 只看该作者

lawyer: 另外请教你

1.infer 是必要条件 做法是不是跟assumption是一样的

我在做题中 感觉有时跟must be ture 做法相同 有时跟assumption做法相同

2.除了will/can 之外 还有没有其它表示程度和概率不同的词 有什么区别

我真的是典型的对错的标准搞不清楚出 谢谢

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-29 5:31:35编辑过]
发表于 2004-10-29 09:02:00 | 只看该作者
infer from原文和must be true一样,谁说是必要条件。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-29 11:26:00 | 只看该作者

lawyer:你读读这题 该不会这个我也错了吧


60. One of the more reliable methods of determining regional climatic conditions in prehistoric periods is to examine plant pollen trapped in glacial ice during ancient times. By comparing such pollen samples with spores take from modern vegetation, scientists can figure out approximately what the weather was like at the time of pollen deposition. Furthermore, by submitting the prehistoric samples to radiocarbon dating techniques, we can also determine when certain climatic conditions were prevalent in that portion of the globe.

Which one of the following may be inferred from the information in the passage?

A.        The earth has undergone several glacial periods.

B.        Radiocarbon dating can be corroborated by glacial evidence.

C.        Similarities between prehistoric and contemporary climates do not exist.

D.       Pollen deposition is a fairly continuous process.

E.        Certain flora are reliably associated with particular climatic conditions.


INFERENCE question is very similar to ASSUMPTION in that both are required conditions in the argument. So inference is not a conclusion itself of the argument. It is one condition that must be true for the conclusion to hold. The line of reasoning can be as follows:

Argument: A à B. Ask for inference C. The links are A à B à C. Or Not C à Not B.  A and B are the premise and conclusion in the argument respectively. C is the inference.

No. 60 is a good example. What the passage says is that scientists can figure out the weather condition in ancient times by examine the pollen from those times. So the hidden premise is that there is a connection between groups of plants and climatic conditions. If E is not true, and there is no connection between plants and climatic conditions, the statement that scientists can find out the climatic conditions by studying pollen can not hold.

So, for INFERENCE questions, you should treat it the same way as ASSUMTION question. First, understand the conclusion, or the statement in this question. And find the REQUIRED condition in the choices. To test the answer, use “NOT” and put it back in the argument to see if conclusion still holds.

Let’s take a look at the rest of the choices.

A: Irrelevant. Scientist can use pollen to find out the climatic conditions no matter how many times the earth has undergone glacial periods. When you see a choice with words expressing “degree” or “times” like rarely, most, many, less, several, probably, very, none, etc., pay attention to what the passage says. You need to make sure that these words can be inferred from the passage.

B. Irrelevant. The argument says that using radiocarbon on the samples can get further information. What B says is that glacial evidence supports radiocarbon dating. In another words, glacial evidence proves what radiocarbon dating finds out. It is not hinted by the argument or required for the conclusion.

C. Irrelevant to the statement. Use “not” to test.

D. Looks like an answer. But the statement is not about the continuity of climatic conditions. So D is irrelevant.


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-29 11:27:59编辑过]
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