以下是引用nuj_am在2007-9-22 16:48:00的发言:试着说说吧,这题确实挺难的. D项不管是温度还是压力给搞死的, 好歹是水自己把algae搞定的, 应该都不能undermine the validity of the conclusion. 但是如果是有微生物冲进来,把algae都吃了,那情况就不一样了.原文说algae讨厌就讨厌在Therefore, any particles of matter in the water, such as algae cells, that scatter or absorb light will interfere with the collection of heat.那么现在的微生物进来了自然也会有同样的效果, 这就好像一个黑帮搞掉了另一个黑帮, 换汤不换药, 老百姓还是倒霉. 但是要是老百姓把黑帮都打死了, 或者都饿死了(比如开店的都不交保护费哈), 那黑帮就彻底垮了. 我这个例子举的有点搞哈,大家放松一下        这道题我也做错了,回过头来想,是否可以这样理解。 从表面上看BCD似乎都起到undermine的作用。但是让我们回到题目,题目问的是seriously undermine the validity of the conclusions drawn from the experiment described in the last paragraph of the passage。有原文第二段第二句我认为这里undermine的关键是To repress the algae cells' capacity for accommodating themselves to environmental changes。B和D都属于cells' capacity for accommodating themselves to environmental changes,因而实际上B和D并没有起到Undermine的作用。因此答案是C。 Do you guys think my explanation makes sense? |