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发表于 2011-9-21 20:21:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



1.Some argue that laws are instituted at least in part to help establish a particular moral fabric in society. But the primary function of law is surely to help order society so that its institutions, organisations, and citizenry can work together harmoniously, regardless of any further moral aims of the law. Indeed, the highest courts have on occasion treated moral beliefs based on conscience or religious faith as grounds for making exeptions in the application of laws.
The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following ?
a) The manner in which laws are applied sometimes takes into account the beliefs of the people governed by those laws.
b) The law has as one of its functions the ordering of society but is devoid of moral aims.
c) Actions based on religious belief or on moral conviction tend to receive the protection of the highest courts.
d) The way a society is ordered by law should not reflect any moral convictions about the way society ought to be ordered.
e) The best way to promote cooperation among a society's institutions, organizations, and citizenry is to institute order in that society by means of law.

2. Newtonian physics dominated science for over two centuries. It found consistently successful application, becoming one of the most highly substantiated and accepted theories in the history of
science. Nevertheless, Einstein’s theories came to show the fundamental limits of Newtonian physics
and to surpass the Newtonian view in the early 1900s, giving rise once again to a physics that has so far enjoyed wide success.
Which one of the following logically follows from the statements above?
(A) The history of physics is characterized by apattern of one successful theory subsequently surpassed by another.
(B) Long-standing success or substantiation of a theory of physics is no guarantee that the theory will continue to be dominant
(C) Every theory of physics, no matter how successful, is eventually surpassed by one that is more successful.
(D) Once a theory of physics is accepted, it will remain dominant for centuries.
(E) If a long-accepted theory of physics is surpassed, it must be surpassed by a theory that is equally successful.

3.The solidity of bridge piers built on pilings depends largely on how deep the pilings are driven. Prior to 1700, pilings were driven to “refusal,” that is, to the point at which they refused to go any deeper. In a 1588 inquiry into the solidity of piers for Venice’s Rialto Bridge, it was determined that the bridge’s builder, Antonio Da Ponte, had met the contemporary standard for refusal: he had caused the pilings to be driven until additional penetration into the ground was no greater than two inches after twenty-four hammer blows.

Which one of the following can properly be inferred from the passage?

A. The Rialto Bridge was built on unsafe pilings.
B. The standard of refusal was not sufficient to ensure the safety of a bridge.
C. Da Ponte’s standard of refusal was less strict than that of other bridge
builders of his day.
D. After 1588, no bridges were built on pilings that were driven to the point of
E. It is possible that the pilings of the Rialto Bridge could have been driven
deeper even after the standard of refusal had been met.

4.Every moral theory developed in the Western tradition purports to tell us what a good life is. However, most people would judge someone who perfectly embodies the ideals of any one of these theories not to be living a good life - the kind of life they would want for themselves and their children.

The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?

A. Most people desire a life for themselves and their children that is better than a merely good life
B. A person who fits the ideals of one moral theory is the Western tradition would not necessarily fir the ideals of another.
C. Most people have a conception of a good life that does not match that of any other moral theory in the western tradition.
D. A good life as described by moral theories is the Western tradition cannot be realized.
E. It is impossible to develop a theory that accurately described what a good life is.

The following appeared in an ad for a book titled How to Write a Screenplay for a Movie:
“Writers who want to succeed should try to write film screenplays rather than books, since the average film tends to make
greater profits than does even a best-selling book. It is true that some books are also made into films. However, our nation’s film
producers are more likely to produce movies based on original screenplays than to produce films based on books, because
in recent years the films that have sold the most tickets have usually been based on original screenplays.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-21 20:22:29 | 只看该作者
P  93-95
发表于 2011-9-22 01:56:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-9-22 12:32:48 | 只看该作者
P: The law was established for order of society, but now it is used for moral belief.
P: The highest court treats the moral belief based on religious for exception of applications.
C: The law works partially for moral society.
A: A

P: Newtonian physics has been popular for two centuries.
C: Nevertheless, E. showed the limited foundation of Newtonian physics in order to make a more wide success.
C: E. helped Newtonian physics become so popular for two centuries.
A: B

P: The bridge builder drove the pilings no greater than the additional driven of 2" of 24 hammer blows.
C: The solidity of bridge depends on how deep the pilings are driven.
I: ~~~
A: E

P: The morality tells us what a good life is.
C: However, most people judge anyone who has such ideal life not to be a good life.
S: other reasons
A: C
发表于 2011-9-22 19:51:26 | 只看该作者
1.    Some argue that laws are instituted at least in part to help establish a particular moral fabric in society. But the primary function of law is surely to help order society so that its institutions, organisations, and citizenry can work together harmoniously, regardless of any further moral aims of the law. Indeed, the highest courts have on occasion treated moral beliefs based on conscience or religious faith as grounds for making exeptions in the application of laws.
The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following ?
a) The manner in which laws are applied sometimes takes into account the beliefs of the people governed by those laws.
b) The law has as one of its functions the ordering of society but is devoid of moral aims.
c) Actions based on religious belief or on moral conviction tend to receive the protection of the highest courts.
d) The way a society is ordered by law should not reflect any moral convictions about the way society ought to be ordered.
e) The best way to promote cooperation among a society's institutions, organizations, and citizenry is to institute order in that society by means of law.
support_E    A
有些人认为法律应该对社会道德有所反映,但是, 法律最根本也是最主要的功能是维护社会秩序。确实,只有面对一些exception 的时候,法庭才会考虑使用道德。
some .... But .... Indeed....

2. Newtonian physics dominated science for over two centuries. It found consistently successful application, becoming one of the most highly substantiated and accepted theories in the history of
science. Nevertheless, Einstein’s theories came to show the fundamental limits of Newtonian physics
and to surpass the Newtonian view in the early 1900s, giving rise once again to a physics that has so far enjoyed wide success.
Which one of the following logically follows from the statements above? E B
(A) The history of physics is characterized by apattern of one successful theory subsequently surpassed by another.
(B) Long-standing success or substantiation of a theory of physics is no guarantee that the theory will continue to be dominant
(C) Every theory of physics, no matter how successful, is eventually surpassed by one that is more successful.
(D) Once a theory of physics is accepted, it will remain dominant for centuries.
(E) If a long-accepted theory of physics is surpassed, it must be surpassed by a theory that is equally successful.
3.The solidity of bridge piers built on pilings depends largely on how deep the pilings are driven. Prior to 1700, pilings were driven to “refusal,” that is, to the point at which they refused to go any deeper. In a 1588 inquiry into the solidity of piers for Venice’s Rialto Bridge, it was determined that the bridge’s builder, Antonio Da Ponte, had met the contemporary standard for refusal: he had caused the pilings to be driven until additional penetration into the ground was no greater than two inches after twenty-four hammer blows.

Which one of the following can properly be inferred from the passage? C E
A. The Rialto Bridge was built on unsafe pilings.
B. The standard of refusal was not sufficient to ensure the safety of a bridge.
C. Da Ponte’s standard of refusal was less strict than that of other bridge
builders of his day.
D. After 1588, no bridges were built on pilings that were driven to the point of
E. It is possible that the pilings of the Rialto Bridge could have been driven
deeper even after the standard of refusal had been met.
4.Every moral theory developed in the Western tradition purports to tell us what a good life is. However, most people would judge someone who perfectly embodies the ideals of any one of these theories not to be living a good life - the kind of life they would want for themselves and their children.

The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following? B C

A. Most people desire a life for themselves and their children that is better than a merely good life
B. A person who fits the ideals of one moral theory is the Western tradition would not necessarily fir the ideals of another.
C. Most people have a conception of a good life that does not match that of any other moral theory in the western tradition.
D. A good life as described by moral theories is the Western tradition cannot be realized.
E. It is impossible to develop a theory that accurately described what a good life is.

The following appeared in an ad for a book titled How to Write a Screenplay for a Movie:
“Writers who want to succeed should try to write film screenplays rather than books, since the average film tends to make  诚然一部成功的电影是要比一本畅销书的利益更多,但是电影制作的复杂程度也远远超过一本书,所以可能平摊到电影编剧的钱不见得会比作家多
greater profits than does even a best-selling book. It is true that some books are also made into films. However, our nation’s film
producers are more likely to produce movies based on original screenplays than to produce films based on books, because   more tickets 很可能是因为电影剧本的绝对基数远远大于书籍,不能说明单独一本究竟谁更有优势。
in recent years the films that have sold the most tickets have usually been based on original screenplays.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

发表于 2011-9-22 22:33:37 | 只看该作者


发表于 2011-9-23 01:16:56 | 只看该作者
1  38s
P: laws help to establish moral society.
P:but  the first purpose of laws is help to keep order.
c: the congress need to...
A: A

2 23s
P:newton‘ theory was widely accepted for two centuries. it was very successful.
P:but einstein' theory show the limitations of N's and surpass N's view.
C:E's theory become more popular.
A:B (其他的都太绝对啦~)

3 39s
P: The solidity of bridge depend on how deep the pilings was.
P: it will stop when they refused to go deeper.
P: a man make a new record. the pilings go deeper than ever before.
A: E

4 29S
P: moral stories tell us what a good life is.
P: however most people would judge someone 'life by other standards.
c: ....
A: B

话说,KID 这都是手打的么?好辛苦的好孩子~
发表于 2011-9-24 10:38:04 | 只看该作者
把题复制到word里离线做的,本以为都是inference题~~~ = =

Info.1: some argue that laws are instituted partly to help establish a moral construction
Info.2: the primary function of laws is order the society regardless of moral aims
Info.3: a court will not take a moral reason as exception
Answer: a) The manner in which laws are applied sometimes takes into account the beliefs of the people governed by those laws.
错选了B, is devoid of太绝对

Info.1: N physics dominated in two centuries and has successful application
Info.2: E theories shows limits of N and surpasses N.
Answer: (B) Long-standing success or substantiation of a theory of physics is no guarantee that the theory will continue to be dominant indefinitely.
错选了A ,看解释是说a pattern不对

Solidity  n.固体; 体积; 坚硬; 容积
pier        n.(伸入水域的)码头,突堤
pilings   n.打桩; 打桩工程

Info.1: the solidity of bridge piers depends on how deep pilings are driven
Info.2: before 1700 pilings were driven to refusal
Info.3: in 1588…….
Inference: 感觉E比较对吧~
Answer:E. It is possible that the pilings of the Rialto Bridge could have been driven
deeper even after the standard of refusal had been met.

Info.1: every moral theory tell us how good life is
Info.2: however some people think that the ones who express these theories do not live a good life
Inference: C. Most people have a conception of a good life that does not match that of any other moral theory in the western tradition.
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