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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-7 15:45:26 | 只看该作者
Editor: Articles in Gardening Magazine often spur sales of the plants they describe, particularly among people new to gardening. Accordingly, we will no longer publish articles or accept advertisements praising the beauty of rare wildflowers. Most such plants sold to gardeners have been difficult to propagate under cultivation, so plant sellers often collect them in the wild. Our new policy is part of our efforts to half this yearly plundering of our native plant populations.

Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the wisdom of the magazine's new policy as a way of pursuing the intended effect ?
(A) When people new to gardening buy plants, they often fail to take adequate care of the plants that they buy and become discourged from buying those varieties again.
(B) Plant sellers who sell rare wildflowers have no reasonably inexpensive alternate way to offer their wares directly to new gardens.
(C) The demand for rare wildflowers rarely exceeds the number of such plants that can be collected in the wild by plant sellers.
(D) The propagation of rare wildflowers often depends on the plant's interaction with other organisms in their environment such as plants that create suitable soil conditions or insects and birds that disperse seeds.
(E) Revenues from sales of plants collected in the wild are supporting the discovery of new low-cost techniques enabling rare wildflowers to be readily propagated in nurseries.
A.    园艺初学者,不能好好照顾花,所以很灰心,不会再买花了。——无关
B.    卖稀有野花的卖花人没有更加合理的省钱方式来直接为园艺初学者提供货。
C.    稀有野花的需求数量基本不超过这花在野外能被卖花人菜的数量。也就是能收集到的数量大于稀有野花的需求数量。
D.    野花的繁殖靠这花和别的有机物的共同作用。——无关,
E.    卖野花的钱能支持发现新的低成本技术来让野花人工培育。

-- by 会员 Helloface (2010/10/7 15:22:07)

发表于 2010-10-8 00:18:43 | 只看该作者


现在做GWD,觉得也题也看不懂,一看题就心慌,不要说想什么reasoning line了。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-8 00:35:09 | 只看该作者


现在做GWD,觉得也题也看不懂,一看题就心慌,不要说想什么reasoning line了。
-- by 会员 zoukan (2010/10/8 0:18:43)

建议看本贴16页158楼 ~~  和14页136楼
发表于 2010-10-8 10:33:32 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-8 10:57:44 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 rivay (2010/10/8 10:33:32)

无关的概念要自己做题感觉出来的 ^_^
发表于 2010-10-8 12:01:47 | 只看该作者
Although exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a slow-developing cancer, researchers believe that infection by the SV40 virus is a contributing cause, since in the United States 60 percent of tissue samples from mesotheliomas, but none from healthy tissue, contain SV40.  SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus.  Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the researchers’ hypothesis?

A.    SV40 is widely used as a research tool in cancer laboratories.
B.    Changes in the technique of manufacturing the vaccine now prevent contamination with SV40.
C.    Recently discovered samples of the vaccine dating from 1960 still show traces of the virus.
D.    In a small percentage of cases of mesothelioma, there is no history of exposure to asbestos.
E.    In Finland, where the polio vaccine was never contaminated, samples from mesotheliomas do not contain SV40.

文中说:SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus. Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.
楼主对这句话是怎么理解得? in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus是说这种polio vaccine← 被污染了SV40,那么polio vaccine是受的一方,怎么能说polio vaccine是→SV40(这种发现在mesotheliomas的病毒的)来源呢?(这里的the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later是说的是SV40吧?)
发表于 2010-10-8 12:16:34 | 只看该作者
或者这句话是不是可以这样理解, “however”这里的转折是说在1960年发现virus的另一处“携带者”“polio vaccine ”(小儿麻痹牛痘疫苗),然后作者就假定这种virus就是来自这种小儿麻痹牛痘疫苗~~~~

另:截止SV40 is a monkey virus 这句之前是不是就是说了这样的一个事实:mesotheliomas主要是由SV40导致    ?
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-8 12:27:44 | 只看该作者
Although exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a slow-developing cancer, researchers believe that infection by the SV40 virus is a contributing cause, since in the United States 60 percent of tissue samples from mesotheliomas, but none from healthy tissue, contain SV40.  SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus.  Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the researchers’ hypothesis?

A.    SV40 is widely used as a research tool in cancer laboratories.
B.    Changes in the technique of manufacturing the vaccine now prevent contamination with SV40.
C.    Recently discovered samples of the vaccine dating from 1960 still show traces of the virus.
D.    In a small percentage of cases of mesothelioma, there is no history of exposure to asbestos.
E.    In Finland, where the polio vaccine was never contaminated, samples from mesotheliomas do not contain SV40.
文中说:SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus. Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.
楼主对这句话是怎么理解得? in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus是说这种polio vaccine← 被污染了SV40,那么polio vaccine是受的一方,怎么能说polio vaccine是→SV40(这种发现在mesotheliomas的病毒的)来源呢?(这里的the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later是说的是SV40吧?)
-- by 会员 ljyjulia (2010/10/8 12:01:47)


SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus. Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.
楼主对这句话是怎么理解得? in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus是说这种polio vaccine← 被污染了SV40,那么polio vaccine是受的一方(这里的SV40是猴子身上的),怎么能说polio vaccine是→SV40(这里的SV40是人体内的)(这种发现在mesotheliomas的病毒的)来源呢?(这里的the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later是说的是SV40吧?)

vaccine被污染了SV40, 人被注射了染有SV40的vaccine,所以人的体内有SV病毒

所以结论是: polio vaccine > 导致 人体内的SV40
发表于 2010-10-8 12:33:52 | 只看该作者


哈 忘了都任何病毒都是得有传播源的(是这么叫吧?),所谓Source就是传播源啊~~~~~看来我是贯彻逻辑读题白痴原则太久了。。。思维也太大条了都。。。。

发表于 2010-10-8 22:55:50 | 只看该作者


PharmaCorp, which manufactures the drug Aidistan, claims that Aidistan is more effective than the drug Betatol in treating Puma Syndrome.
To support its claim PharmaCorp cites the fact that one of every two victims of Puma Syndrome is treated successfully with Aidistan alone, as opposed to one out of every three treated with Betatol alone.
However, PharmaCorp's claim can not be taken seriously, in light of the fact that the presence of Gregg's Syndrome has been known to render Puma Syndrome more resistant to any treatment.

Which of the following, if true, would most support the allegation that PharmaCorp's claim can not be taken seriously?

A)Among people who suffer from both Puma Syndrome and Gregg's Syndrome, fewer are treated with Aidistan than with Betatol.
B)Among people who suffer from both Puma Syndrome and Gregg's Syndrome, fewer are treated with Betatol than with Aidistan.
C)Gregg's Syndrome reduces Aidistan's effectiveness in treating Puma Syndrome more than Betatol's effectiveness in treating the same syndrome.
D)Betatol is less effective than Aidistan in treating Gregg's Syndrome.
E)Neither Aidistan nor Betatol is effective in treating Gregg's Syndrome.

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