The reading passage states that Torreya started to die out and provides three reasons of support.(个人感觉support这个说法太笼统了,最好直接说是protect) However, the professor explains that all the three method will unlikely to succeed and refutes each of the author’s reasons. First, the reading claims that one option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location. The professor refutes this point by saying that Torreya need a specific microclimate. She states that Torreya will not grow in the same location since the global warming and dr yer/ierclimate(wetland). (亲,好像这里global warming不是原来那个microclimate 不适宜的原因,主要原因是整个环境drier, 而global warming 和 drier wetland 造成了整个环境drier)This is the first reason to contract the passage. Second, the article points (out) that move Torreya to an entirely different location. However, the professor says(用了好多次了,可换换argue,indicate) that will have potential dangerous(danger ,have danger/be dangerous). According to the professor, it has opportunity for Torreya to spread very fast and kill other kinds of trees. She refutes the point of the passage since the result is unpredictable. Third, the reading says that preserve Torreya in research centers(that 后面接从句亲). The professor opposes this point by explain that research centers do not have enough spaces for(额,这个听力里没说吧,不确定的亲别往上写了啊,到时候扣分挺严重的) a big population of Torreya to keep its diverse (这个表达挺好的,由此我发现这段我自己表述有些问题). Meanwhile, research centers cannot protect the species and conducts research(这个也是听力里没提的吧) on Torreya. -- by 会员 sarahpx (2012/9/14 9:52:07)