In the lecture, the speaker illustrates three points that few fire places, undiscovered maize, and no building material, contradicting to the three theories that are demonstrated in the passage.
According to the passage, the first theory holds that hundreds of people would live in the Chaco structures, i.e. the Chaco were purely residential as it looks like a recent apartment. The lecture, by contrast, suggests that it would never be a residential apartment as few fire places are found in the Chaco. Only a fire place is found in the largest room which could just be used for one family rather than hundreds of people as it is said in the passage.
The speaker deputes the second theory in the passage that the Chaco structures were used to store food. The theory holds that the great houses are suitable for storing maize, the main crops of the Chaco people. However, the lecture contends that no maize is discovered. Therefore, the houses cannot be used to store food supplies.(我觉得container也是一个点吧)
Finally, the speaker figures out to be used as a ceremonial center, (这句话有语病哈,还有后面一句话需要个连词起头吧)large amount of building material should be found close to the house. While, the pile of old material are not enough and put random that cannot be used to build such a house to hold any ceremony. Although, people who hold the third theory considered that such ceremonies might be to be hold in the Chaco houses in the passage.这段明显漏了point,比如说pot的实际作用,还有construction materials的发现
Thus, it can be inferred that the speaker challenges the passage by giving reasons as to (explain)why he thinks the theories in the passage are not fully improves. (恩。。。这句话总感觉有点怪)
In the lecture, the speaker illustrates her reasons to contradict to the problems about online encyclopedias that demonstrate in the passage.(开头简练明了,不错) According to the passage, a lot of errors might be concluded in the online encyclopedias as it is not written by academic writers. The lecture, by contrast, supports that it is understandable for an encyclopedias to contain some mistake (s复数), by the reason that the traditional encyclopedias cannot avoid mistake in 100 percent. (这个点听的就不是很好。所有都有错,但是on-line 的易于修改,而传统的不易改正)
The speaker also deputes the problem posted in the passage that the online encyclopedias might be changed in an impropriate way by some unscrupulous users or hackers, which will be bad for unsuspecting users. However, the speaker contends that two strategies have been done to avoid damage to online encyclopedia. One is to put crucial facts in an article which is only-read format. And another is to have special editors to monitor changes to the articles.(着里全额,)
Finally, a large space, according to the lecture, can be used to hold numerous of information for online encyclopedias. Therefore it could be easily to solve the problem that which facts should be chosen to put into the encyclopedias, without ignoring any interest of each person. Meanwhile(这里用on the other hand, on the contrary, 来个转折么), same facts are not put in the traditional encyclopedia because of the lack of space.
Thus, it is inferred that the speaker in the lecture challenges the three problems supported in the passage by giving reasons above.
2012 10 18 TPO4 In the lecture, the speaker gives three reasons to illustrate that dinosaurs were not endotherms. She said the reasons in the reading passage are not property and somewhat inaccurate when we consider more.
First, dinosaur fossils found in Polar Regions cannot prove the polar dinosaurs were endotherms as in the dinosaur period the polar was much warm than today. In the warm climates, dinosaurs can be active in the polar. And once the polar become cold, dinosaurs may immigrate to some warm regions to keep warm. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.
Second, the leg positioned underneath dinosaurs' body is for them to grow large size rather than help running. In the passage, they predict the reason that dinosaurs' legs positioned underneath is allowing sustained physical activity. However, dinosaurs with legs positioned underneath were almost in a large size. To grow in such a large size, dinosaurs' legs have to be positioned underneath their body to support such a heavy body. This indicates that leg's position does not mean the dinosaurs were endotherms.
Third, the bone structure does not only include Haversian canals, they also include structures allow the dinosaurs grow slow. The researchers found that although there are Haversain canals which are indicated in the passage, some other bone structures are existed in dinosaurs’ bodies. After some fast growth, there always be some slow growth and even no growth. These structures proved that dinosaurs were not endotherms indicated in the reading passage.
10.18 do you agree that the best way for parents to make the children learn about responsibility is to have children care for an animal?
Nowadays, increasing numbers of parents pay more attentions on children’s responsibility. They tried lots of ways to make the children learn about responsibility. Parts of them believe that caring an animal can exert positive efforts on building children’s responsibilities. However, I cannot agree this opinion and believe that to have children care an animal will even be bad for children.
At the very beginning, those who are responsible are always serous on what they are doing. When parents want their children to get into the habit of taking responsibility, they should ask their children to do something they are interested in at the first step. Then, some parents have their children care for an animal. However, not all children like animals. And some children are even afraid of animals. Now that they are not interested in caring an animal, how can they do their utmost to what they are doing? Therefore, they will have less responsibility on caring animals. Obviously, they will not learn about responsibility from doing what they really hate.
Another problem brings by caring an animal is also harm for children to learn about responsibility. Even if the children like animals, it might not be easy for children to care an animal. As we all know, animals are something alive which makes it very difficult to feed up even for adults. When this huge assignment is given to a young child, he or she will feel a great pressure as this is quite an event for him or her. When children are compelled to finish such a huge assignment, they may much easier to give up. Thus, they will not succeed and never feel the advantages that responsibility brings. And there will be nothing to encourage them to keep responsible. It is conceivable that too much give up on what they are doing will not good for children to learn about responsibility.
Admittedly, some children who are very good at caring animals may learn about responsibility through this way. However, animals usually have sharp clips and children are usually not strong enough to protect themselves. Why would parents rather take such a big risk that animal may hurt children badly than using some other safer ways to help children learn to take responsibility like taking part in some activity groups and finish their work seriously?
All in all, there are lots efficient ways for parents to make their children learn about responsibility, to care an animal can bring numbers of undiscovered problems and hardly be the best way for children to learn about responsibility.
In the lecture, the speaker gives three reasons to illustrate that dinosaurs were not endotherms. She said the reasons in the reading passage are not property and somewhat inaccurate when we consider more.时态要统一。
First, dinosaur fossils found in Polar Regions cannot prove the polar dinosaurs were endotherms as in the dinosaur period the polar was much warm than today. In the warm climates, dinosaurs can be active in the polar. And once the polar become cold, dinosaurs may 在综合写作里面你听到什么就写什么,may的话会让人觉得是是而非,质疑你的credibility immigrate to some warm regions to keep warm. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.
Second, the leg positioned underneath dinosaurs' body is for them to grow large size rather than help running. 精准In the passage, they 前文没有出现这群人物哦,指代不明。 predict the reason that dinosaurs' legs positioned underneath is allowing sustained physical activity. However, dinosaurs with legs positioned underneath were almost in a large size. To grow in such a large size, dinosaurs' legs have to be positioned underneath their body to support such a heavy body. This indicates that leg's position does not mean the dinosaurs were endotherms.
Third, the bone structure does not only include Haversian canals, they also include structures allow the dinosaurs grow slow. The researchers found that although there are Haversain canals which are indicated in the passage, some other bone structures are existed in dinosaurs’ bodies. After some fast growth, there always be some slow growth and even no growth. These structures proved that dinosaurs were not endotherms indicated in the reading passage.感觉这个点楼主没有听明白, Lecturer承认恐龙有haversian canal这个structure, 但是另外一个bone structure, the growth rings直接说明了恐龙不是恒温动物, 因为这个ring就像树轮一样,记录了生命体的生长快慢程度。根据科学家的推算以及比照恐龙的生长ring,恐龙在冷的时候生长得比温暖的时候要缓慢得多,但这种情况其实不会出现在恒温动物身上,所以证明了恐龙不是恒温动物。
10.18 do you agree that the best way for parents to make the children learn about responsibility is to have children care for an animal?
Nowadays, increasing numbers of parents pay more attentions on children’s responsibility 表意不清,应该是如何cultivate children’s responsibility 原表达太笼统,也不切题. They tried lots of ways to make the children learn about responsibility. Parts of them believe that caring an animal can exert positive efforts effect on building children’s responsibilities. However, I cannot agree this opinion and believe that to have children care an animal will even be bad for children.
At the very beginning, those who are responsible are always serious on what they are doing. When parents want their children to get into the habit of taking responsibility, they should ask their children to do something they are interested in at the first step. Then, some parents have their children care for an animal.我明白楼主想说parents让小孩照顾动物这件事不是所有小孩都感兴趣的,但是问题是这句话放在这里这样表述很别扭,尤其是哪个“then”. However, not all children like animals. Andand some children are even afraid of animals. Now that they are not interested in caring an animal, how can they do their utmost to at what they are doing? Therefore, they will have less responsibility on caring animals. Obviously, they will not learn about responsibility from doing what they really hate.虽然前文有提到children,但是那么多they作为指代词会让人感觉很混乱,建议添两个children who don’t like animals/ those children
Another problem bringsbrought by caring an animal is also harmful for children to learn about responsibility. Even if the children like animals, it might not be easy for children to care an animal. As we all know, animals are something alive which makes it very difficult to feed up even for adults. When this huge assignment is given to a young child, he or she will feel a great pressure as this is quite an event for him or her. When children are compelled to finish such a huge assignment, they may much easiertend to give up. Thus, they will not succeed and never feel the advantages that responsibility brings???这是想说什么。。。. And there will be nothing to encourage them to keep responsible. It is conceivable that too much give up on what they are doing will be not good for children to learn about responsibility.
Admittedly, some children who are very good at caring animals may learn about responsibility through this way. However, animals usually have sharp clips and children are usually not strong enough to protect themselves. Why would parents rather take such a big risk that animal may hurt children badly than using some other safer ways to help children learn to take responsibility like taking part in some activity groups and finish their work seriously?
All in all, there are lots of efficient ways for parents to make their children learn about responsibility, to care an animal can bring numbers of undiscovered problems and hardly be the best way for children to learn about responsibility.