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新手上路 大家豁出去 拼命拍砖 鞠躬鞠躬 if u have a dream u have to defend it

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-3 18:15:46 | 只看该作者
The speaker contradicts the statement in the text that owing to several adverse reasons  the buzzing tactic should be banned.He states that the reasons given in the passage are misleading.
To begin with,the lecturer contends that unlike the ordinary advertisement ,the buzzer, for example, the speaker actually has used the phone service and he is really fond of this  service .Thus ,the company hires him to serve as the buzzer and tell the truth of his feeling about this service .The reading ,however,by contrast asserts that since the buzzers are paid to advertise the products ,they  tend to tell incorrect information of the products as the ordinary Ads do.

The second reason suggested in the passage, that people will be less critical  about the buzzers‘ words and believe most of what the buzzers say , is rejected by the speaker. According to the lecturer ,he claims that people like to ask a lot of questions about the products or service  while talking with the buzzers , such as: how much  is the price ? how is the service? how long have you used it?If the buzzer can not provide the answers to these questions,people won't believe the buzzers and they won't buy the service or products which the buzzers are buzzing .

The speaker also chanlleges the final point of the passage ,that since buzzing is misleading and unreliable ,after awaring the presence of  the buzzers,people  tend not to trust others so that buzzing harm the social    relationship among people .On the opposite ,the lecturer contends that since the company will hire the buzzers for the products which is of high quality.The speaker ,a buzzer ,has a high oppinoin of the phone service after using it .Therefore ,the people he  buzzs also will  have good experience while using the service.Hence , it turns out that people tends to  be more trustful and opening to each other .
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-4 22:10:02 | 只看该作者

七月五号 独立

七月5号 独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High school students should take a course on basic economics.
Have you ever felt confused about the complex statistics of the anual economic development report ? Have you ever had a hard time understanding the relashionship between the inflation and the unemployment
rate?Have you ever found it difficult to deal with our financial problems ? If you haven't ,you never know how significant it is for high school students to take a course on basic economics .

First and foremost ,as the society is  put forward by the economic development ,the knowledge on basic economics  gradually plays an critical  role when people handle their financial problems .This can be
demonstrated by the undeniable fact that in the world finacial crisis of 2008,many pleople suffered from bankruptcy ,while some people recouped the capital outlay timely and ,consequently,survived in this
depression.When we research this phenomenon in depth  , it turns out  that the financial sense based on the basic economics protects them from the bankrutcy ,because they conbine their  observation on the past
economic law with the principles of basic economics ,then judge the proper time to withdraw capital.

Additionally,studying basic ecomomics benefits the students' ability to reason logically ,which will be of great importance throughout their academic career.A small example will give some light to this point , after
taking basic economics in high school,I have a comprehensive understanding of the business ,accounting and statistics , which help me   analyze various academic puzzles smoothly and make the conclusion
independenly after taking all relevant information into consideration and reasoning logically  .
Last but not the least,according to a research conducted by the national education organization ,compared with students who don't take basic economics course in high school,the students who have taken the
course in high school  tend to be more rigorous when dealing with the problems they encounter in their study.

Admittedly ,some people may against my point of view for the reason that the high school students have egaged in so many courses--English ,chemistry ,math and so forth .Hence ,their burden will be heavier after taking the basic ecnomicx.Nevertheless ,in the long term, undoubtedly, they will feel thankful to have take it when they find that the knowledge on basic econimics benefit them in various aspects---they can easily understand the complex statistics data,they have a thorough financial plan ,they can take a deeper consideration when come across problems .
All these illustrations point out that high school student should take a course on  basic economics in order to enhance their ability to handle financial problems in the future and help them to foster the habit of logical
reasoning .
发表于 2012-7-5 07:15:11 | 只看该作者
七月4号 独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past people eat more healthy food than what people have nowadays

Have you ever eaten fry while sitting in the KFC Have you ever gained weight after eating snacks for couple of days ? Have you ever felt thirsty when you eat the bacon? If you haven’t ,You probably don’t know that in the past people eat more healthy food that what people have nowadays .

First and foremost ,it is widely acknowledged that as the food Preservastion technology develops sharply, the food industry usually adds various kinds of chemicals which have adverse affects on human body in the food to extend the food's longevity .This can be demonstrated by the undeniable tragedy that in 2010 ,the ShanDong province of china ,hundreds of babies died of the milk powder which is added excess toxic chemicals used by the producers to lengthen the longevity of the milk powder.On the other hand ,in the past ,people feed their babis on breast milk. In this point ,undoubtedly,compared with the man-made milk powder ,the breast milk is much healthier,consequently ,the babies who are fed on the breast milk will have a stronger body than the babies who are fed on the milk powder.怎么从食物讲到母乳了 有些片面了

Additionally ,owing to the unhealthy food such as the potato chips、chocolate and cheese cakes which contain not nutriments but lots of fats and salt,current people constantly suffer from obesity 。According a research conducted by the World Health Organizaiton ,in 2011 the number of people who are attacked by disease such as high blood pressure and hyperlipemia is twice the number of people who live in 1990.Obviously,the unhealthy food which contains quantities of chemical additive and fat contributes to the high blood pressure and the hyperlipemia .Let's trace to the past ,people often cooked their food in a healthy way ,that is ,the food was usually steamed or boiled by the water with proper amount of oil.In this way,thus ,in the past people eat healthier food than people do now.

All these illustrations point out that :with lower salt ,fat and less chemical addtive, cooked in a healthy way ,the food people live in the past have is much healthier than what people have nowadays .

加一个让步段吧 或者在正面写一段 这样感觉有些短了
感觉第一个论证不够充分 可以局普遍一些的例子 can food colored food之类的
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-5 12:23:41 | 只看该作者
恩 谢谢包子的修改  第三个正面点 我再想想哈
发表于 2012-7-5 20:34:02 | 只看该作者
The speaker contradicts the statement in the text that owing to several adverse reasons  the buzzing tactic should be banned.He states that the reasons given in the passage are misleading.

To begin with,the lecturer contends that unlike the ordinary advertisement ,the buzzer, for example, the speaker actually has used the phone service and he is really fond of this service .Thus ,the company hires him to serve as the buzzer and tell the truth of his feeling about this service .The reading, however,by contrast asserts that since the buzzers are paid to advertise the products ,they tend to tell incorrect information of the products as the ordinary Ads do.

The second reason suggested in the passage, that people will be less critical about the buzzers‘ words and believe most of what the buzzers say, is rejected by the speaker. According to the lecturer, he claims that people like to ask a lot of questions about the products or service while talking with the buzzers, such as: how much is the price ? how is the service? how long have you used it? If the buzzer can not provide
the answers to these questions, people won't believe the buzzers and they won't buy the service or products which the buzzers are buzzing .

The speaker also chanlleges the final point of the passage, that since buzzing is misleading and unreliable, after awaring the presence of the buzzers, people tend not to trust others so that buzzing harm the social relationship among people. On the opposite, the lecturer contends that since the company will hire the buzzers for the products which is of high quality. The speaker, a buzzer, has a high oppinoin of the phone service after using it. Therefore, the people he buzzs also will have good experience while using the service. Hence, it turns out that people tends to be more trustful and opening to each other.

发表于 2012-7-6 06:48:37 | 只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High school students should take a course on basic economics.

Have you ever felt confused about the complex statistics of the anual economic development report ? Have you ever had a hard time understanding the relashionship between the inflation and the unemployment
rate?Have you ever found it difficult to deal with our financial problems ? If you haven't ,you will never know how significant it is for high school students to take a course on basic economics .

First and foremost ,as the society is put forward by the economic development ,the knowledge on basic economics gradually plays an critical role when people handle their financial problems .This can be
demonstrated by the undeniable fact that in the world finacial crisis of 2008,many pleople suffered from bankruptcy ,while some people recouped the capital outlay timely and ,consequently,survived in this
depression.When we research this phenomenon in depth , it turns out that the financial sense based on the basic economics protects them from the bankrutcy ,because they conbine their observation on the past
economic law with the principles of basic economics ,then judge the proper time to withdraw capital.

Additionally,studying basic ecomomics benefits the students' ability to reason logically ,which will be of great importance throughout their academic career.A small example will give some light to this point , after
taking basic economics in high school,I have a comprehensive understanding of the business ,accounting and statistics , which help me analyze various academic puzzles smoothly and make the conclusion
independenly after taking all relevant information into consideration and reasoning logically .
Last but not the least,according to a research conducted by the national education organization ,compared with students who don't take basic economics course in high school,the students who have taken the
course in high school tend to be more rigorous when dealing with the problems they encounter in their study.

Admittedly ,some people may against my point of view for the reason that the high school students have egaged in so many courses--English ,chemistry ,math and so forth .Hence ,their burden will be heavier after taking the basic ecnomicx.Nevertheless ,in the long term, undoubtedly, they will feel thankful to have take it when they find that the knowledge on basic econimics benefit them in various aspects---they can easily understand the complex statistics data,they have a thorough financial plan ,they can take a deeper consideration when come across problems .

All these illustrations point out that high school student should take a course on basic economics in order to enhance their ability to handle financial problems in the future and help them to foster the habit of logical
reasoning .

很好啊 基本没有小错误~~
感觉benefits the students' ability to reason logically 这一点的论述不够细致充分
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 21:18:47 | 只看该作者

7 ---15独立作文

七月15 独立作文
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the most important problems in today’s world will be
solved in our lifetime.
   Have you ever seen in Africa millions of people are suffering from poverty and diseases ?Have ever watched the
news on the fact that  every year thousands of people died of  Middle East Affairs ? Have you ever found that the
sea level are rising continuously due to the green house effect?If you have,you'll definitely stand on my point of
view that the most important problems in today's world will not be solved in our lifetime .
  First and foremost , war ---one of the most important problems in current world ----is caused by the never ending
race of human's desire,which cannot be solved in our lifetime only if our human beings' s appetite for wealth and
resources exsits .This can be demonstrated by the undeniable fact that in 1840 ,China was invaded by the Eight -
Power Allied Forces ,which provoked the Opium War.Obviously ,the reason of this was is that the Eight-Power
Allied Forces were longing for China's abundont resources on wealthy and natural aspects .Only after satisfying
these invaders' reqiurements on money and resources such as coal ,mines,and cultural relics can the war ended
Moreover,the current war in the world are caused by various reasons on territory ,coal fuel and commercial events
,which are far more  complex than are the reasons of the  war in the past and, thus, difficult to solve in our lifetime.
  Additionally,the issue of enviromental problems remains unsolved since the rapid economic development in
recent years brings by-products---Green house effect ,harsh natural disasters and distinction of animals .That is--as
long as the industrial keep developing ,the enviromental problems caused by this development will remain
unsolved .  An example can give some light to this point ,China is now facing serious enviromemt problems
.According to some news reports ,Yellow River ,the mother river of the Chinese nation that nurtured generations of
Chinese people over the past thousands of years ,has been polluted by industrial wastes and has much less stream
of water at present  than in  previous times ,which has imposed great problems on the life and work of the people
living along the banks .Since these problems are accompanied by the boom of technology and industry ,and will stiil exsist if our society keeps moving forward .
  Admittedly,some people may refute my point of view by citing fact that many measures have been taken in attempt to solve these problems ----Limitation of green house gas release, improvement of enviroment friendly products and  conferences hold for world Peace .Nevertheless,these measures are not enough ,because the most important problems of today's world involve a variety of conflict of interest such as the polarization of the poor and the rich and the trade gap of different countries ,which are so complex that can't be solved in our lifetime .
  All these illustrations point out that the most important problems can't be solved in our lifetime .
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-16 22:39:35 | 只看该作者
7月16日 独立
Do you agree or disagree, the way a person dressed is a good indication of his/ her personality or charactor?
Does a child look mature after wearing a tie? Does a criminal in a suit act gentlely? Does a beggar appear to be elegant
when dresses well? The answers to these question is  definitely :no,which suggests that the way a person  dressed can't serve
as a good indication of his or her personality .
First and foremost ,during people's lifetime ,their personality will be stable ,meanwhile ,the way they dress will vary in
different stage.In this way ,how can the the way people dress indicate what kind of personality they have ? A small example
will give some light to this point ,when I was a teenager ,I wanted to be stand out from others,thus ,I tended to dress
clothes in  punk style ,which made me look unique from my peers and my friends even thought I was a Rebellious girl while in
fact I'm not . However, as a adult now ,I just want to be dress a comfortable way ,such as T-shirt,jeans .Obviously,my
personality rarely changes during my teenage and adulthood ,I'm still a  gentle girl even in  punk clothes.Hence judging
people's personality from the way they dress ,because people may change the way they dress depending on which stage they are
in,meanwhile their personality  remains the same .
 Additionally ,judging people's personality or characteristic from the way they dress is superficial ,since the way people
dress reveals not their personality but their dressing tastes. This can be demonstrated by the undeniable fact that a skirt
which has been manufactured in quantities can be sold to various people who  differ in characteristics ,personality or
interest.One thing is sure that these people who buy the same skirt share the same dressing taste .Therefore ,if people dress
the same way ,it is unconvincing and superficial  to make the judgement that they have similar characteristics or

 All these illustrations point out that :due to the variability of people's dressing style in different stage and the
superficial aspect what the way a man dresses can reflect, the way a person dressed is not a good indication of his or her
charactor or personality.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-23 19:25:51 | 只看该作者

七月23 综合 tpo14

The speaker actually contradicts the advantages of the salvage logging , she contends that the salvage logging will harm the forest in long term and the economy benifits of the salvage logging is questionable.

To begin with ,according to the lecturer ,she claims that removing the dead trees is unneccessary and can't provide right conditions for the new trees' growth. Because the decomposition of the dead trees can benefit the future generation trees ,moreover ,after removing the dead trees ,the soil may lack the nutritients which released by the decomposition and are benifital for the new generation's growth,the reading passage ,by contrast ,asserts that removing the dead trees can make room for new generation growth ,which help the forest recover from the disaster.

The second point of the text ,that salvage logging minimize the dangers of insect infestation such as the spruce bark beetles ,thus benifiting the health of the forest,is also rejected by the professor .She is of the view that the decaying wood provides indeed habitat to the harmful insects ,nevertheless ,it also provides habitat to the birds and insects which are very important to the long term health of the forest.Moreover ,she also cites fact that the spruce bark bettles has exsited for last hundred years without causing major damage to the forest .Therefore ,by removing the dead trees ,the salvage logging will do more harm to the forest than the harmful insects do .

The speaker also chanlleges the final point of the reading regarding the economic benifits of the salvage logging .She argues that the economic benefits of salvage logging is small and not long lasting .because the forest can only be salvaged at a very high cost such as the helicopters which are expensive to maintain .Furthermore ,the additional jobs provided by the salvage logging is temporary,and jobs usually are filled by the outsiders who are skilled with more professional training than the local residents .
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-23 20:18:36 | 只看该作者

7月24 综合

In the lecture ,the professor rejects the measureswhich usedto control the introduced species ---cane toadproposed in the passage ,shecontends that these measures are unnecessary and will cause enviromental damage .

To begin with ,the statement made in the text ,that by constructing a national fence ,advanceof the cane toal will be prevented from moving into those parts of Australia that they hagve not colonized ,is rejected by the speaker.She points out that no matter where the national fence located ,there still are streams and rivers ,which carry the young cane toad and the eggs to the other side of the fence .Therefore ,the national fence can't stop the advance of the toads towards the regions which they haven't colonized.

In addition,according to the lecturer,she asserts that the untrained volunteers may damage the native frogs by mistake because without professional traning it is difficult for them to tell apart between toads and native frogs especially when they are young.The reading ,by contrast,claims that with the help of organized vollunteer campaign ,the cane toad will be captured easily and thus theirpopulation will be destroyed .

The professor also chanlleges the final point of the reading material ,that by introducing a special designed virus which won't harm most of the infected species but only harm the cane toads ,the population of the cane toads will be controled since the mature and reproducing process are damaged .She argues that this kind of virus may harm cane toads which are native species in American and part of which are endangered .because the cane toads is introduced species in Australia while in American they are native species .Moreover ,through the transtion between Australia and American thesecane toads which are infected by thedesigned virus will infect the cane toads of American which are native species in American and part of the ecosystem .This will harm the ecosystem of American

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