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发表于 2012-8-27 13:04:11 | 只看该作者
TPO 24
The reading text talks about some evidences that may reveal materials which seem to be remains of soft tissue of T.rex(从句套从句,of 又of是否感觉有点。。我试试改成:suggesting the possible existence of remains tissues from T. rex, a 7-millin-year old dinasuor fossil.)On the contrary, the speaker does not agree with the viewpoints in the reading, and he says that scientists need to be skeptical(听力原词) about their conclusion.

First, in contrast to what has been said in the reading text that the remains in the channels of T.rex are blood vessels, the professor argues that there may be another reasons of these remains. He then explains that bacterias lived in these channels long after the T.rex died(不知道可否这么说live in……long). Therefore the soft remains might be the residue of these bacteria conlonies. This directly contradicts its counterpart in the reading text.

Second, the speaker states that the origion of spheres may not be the red blood cells, which is one evidence for soft tissue in the passage. He further says that other fossils found in the same place also contain the same type of spheres, and(换成but however会不会更突出点?)these animal did not had red blood cells when they were alive. As a result, these spheres are unlikely to be red blood cells, the professor guesses the origion of these spheres may be some reddish minerals.

Third, the professor points out that collagen can not be kept for more than 100, 000 years, while the fossil of T.rex is more than 70, 000, 000(亲也可以用million表示哈) years' old. He says that (这有say重复有点多了,何不同意改写下?)this contradict our knowledge of collagen nowadays. Then the professor explains that the source of the collagen may be from the skin of the researchers who were handling the fossil, since their skin also contains collagen. Therefore, the idea in the reading text is totally unsounded, according to the professor.
发表于 2012-8-27 13:19:43 | 只看该作者
8月27日 know a person from type of friends that he has, agree or disagree

As an old saying goes: birds of a feather block together. According to this statement, similarities exist between friends to some extent. In our daily life, situations are not rare that some people like to get together and share the same interests or even their preferences are same to each other within the group. They mey eat together in the same restaurant and play football or basketball in the playground in their spare time. Meanwhile, friends tend to have some impact on each other and then they change their actions or behavior to adjust themselves to their friends. Based on these cases, I agree with viewpoint that people can know a person from type of friends that one has.

In the first place, no one can deny the fact that a person's friends is the most important aspect of his/her life. Hardly can one live alone with no friends around him/her to share happinesses and to stay beside he/she when he/she is sad. Nowadays, the chances to make friends with others are more frequent than before, people have various ways to find friends which are suitable for them. At the same time, the process of making friends is to understand each other in different ways, such as they may all love the same food and like to cook meals for their family. Thus, when two people have this same hobby meet together, they have some experiences to share, and then talk about how to improve their skills. It is hard to imagine that two people with different interests can be best friends. As a result, we can find some clues about what this person like or dislike from his/her friends(这段层次比较明确,LZ逻辑很好).

Another important aspect I need to stress is that friends can influence each other in their daily life whether it is intentioanlly or unconsciously. It is indispututable( undisputed)that friends' influences really can change one's actions or behaviors(这两词有点wordy) either in their study or in their workplace. The result is that friends tend to be similar in some ways since their influences are based on personal preferences or experiences. After they carry on their own efforts to their friends, they will behave similarly. One of my best friends likes to keep everything clean and clear in the dorm, on the other hand, I want to put my staffs everywhere not according to the order. However, under his influence and his preference to keep things in order(前面讲过了其实可以省略下), I finally change my bad hibits.(如果像上段那样总结下会更好点哈)

Finally, one important factor I cannot oversee is that friends usually know what their partner do today, their feelings about other people, which they may unwilling to talk with their parents(这里跟前面主句怎么衔接我没明白). It is widely acknowleged that teenagers are rebellious so(so rebellious) that they tend to inhibit some of their feelings and behave properly in front of their parents. On the other hand, when going out with friends, they behave more naturally. No one can deny the fact (这句型有出现额)that he/she has some secrets that he/she only tell his/her friends but not parents or teachers. Therefore, we can know a person's other aspects from type of friends that one has.

In conclusion, one's friends are one of the most important aspects in his/her life, and friends tend to influence each other so that they tend to behave similarly after they spend enough time together. In addition, there are some feelings of a person which we can only know from one's friends. Consequently, I have to agree with the statement that we can know a person from type of friends that this person has.

lz 的语言比较流畅,结构和逻辑很不错的~~~
有些wordy 和重复使用的词句稍微替换下进考场应该能够拿good的~~
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 11:21:20 | 只看该作者
TPO one  independent wirting

Nowadays, an increasing number of people become more focus on school educaiton whether for themselves or for their children. One of these questions under debate is should universities and colleges pay as important attention to sports and  social activities as classes and libraries. There is no denying that both of them play an important role to the healthy deveopment of students. But as the statements saying  that universities and colleges should equal sports and social activities to classes and libraries with finanlcial supports, which  is one point I can not agree with from my point of view for the following reasons.

Firstly, on no account that we can reject the fact that the main role of universities and colleges is to educate students, which is contrary to sports and social activities to some extent. In the first place, I must admit the fact some special universities and colleges are available for students cultivating  their professional skills on sports and activities. Therefore it is unnecessary to give the same amount of mony to sports and social activities in common universities and colleges. Hardly can one imagine the fact that all students and professors in one university are all enjoy doing sports and taking part in social activities, but the quality of classes and libraries are remian to be desired.

In the second place, students have sufficient time to do sports and social activities after graduation, which means that they need to pay much attention to study during their schools years. One point that no one can deny is that there is a difference between the entire environment of a university campus and a local residental community. It is obvious that on campus students can concnetrate on their study since there are less factors that distract them such as crowd population, loud noises and so forth.

In addition, I have to admit that sports and social activites are equally important for students as classes and library to some degree, but it is not to say they should receive the same financial support. As we all know, the budget of every university and college is not enough to support all of these things. If the limited money are divided into two parts, the result may be thatthere will be not enough money to build a library or to provide enough money to support one important class.

In sum, the main role of universities and colleges is to educate students, and students can have enough time to enjoy sports and social activities after they leave school. In addition, money may not sufficient for these institutions to support all of them. Therefore, I firmly believe that universities and colleges should spend more money on class and libraries.

The reading text talks about the benefits of offering four-day workweek to employees. On the contrary, the speaker disagree with this viewpont, saying that this option will not affect the situation as in the way that the passage suggests.

First, in contrst to what the author says in the passage that the shortened workweek would increase the profits of companies, the professor states that doing this will cost the company more money, even a lot more. He then explains that companies have to spend money on trainning and buying insurance for new employees, and the cost of medical insurance is same for wokers either they work five days or four days. In addition, companies need more office spaces and computers, the cost of which will quickly cut into company profits.

Second, the professor argues that this option will not reduce the unemployment rate as the author says in the reading text. The reason is that hiring new workers is so costly that companies would expect four-day workweek workers to do the same amount of work as they previously do. Thus, this new policy will neither create new jobs, nor it can helps to maintain the present pleasant feeling of workers. This directly contradicts its counterpart in the reading text.

Third, opposite to what have said in the passage that a four-day workweek will be good for workers to enhance their life quality, the professor points out some risks relating to employees who work fours days a week. He states that four-days workweek workers' work stability can not be ensured, which leads to not only one result that they will be the first ones to lose their jobs during depression, but also they will lose the opportunity to promotion because companies are more willing to choose five-day workweek workers as managers for the supervision for the entire workweek. Therefore, these benefits provided in the reading text are totally unsounded, according to the professor.
发表于 2012-8-28 12:10:54 | 只看该作者

TPO 23
The reading text figures out three hypotheses to explain the decline of yellow cedar in northwestern North America. On the contrary, the speaker think that reason of the decline is still unknown, therefore these hypotheses in the reading section are inadaquate to some extent.

First, the professor explains that yellow cedar in fact has srong resistance to cedar brak beetle than any other species. Becauese the leaves of yellow cedar can produce one kind of chemical which is toxic to cedar bark beetle. As a result, it is unlikely that cedar brak beetle is the cause of the decline. Furthermore, the professor points out that the trees which are attacked by cedar bark beetle are already sick. They will die even without being attacked by cedar bark beetle. Thus, the first hypothese in the reading text is disputed.

Second, the speaker argues that the decline of yellow cedar is widespreading, which occours both in the mainland and on the islands. However, there are no bears on the islands. Therefore, brown bears can not be the reason for the decine of yellow cedar, because the decline happens with and without bears. Consequently, the bear hypothese cited in the reading is also unsounded.

Third, the professor explains that the author forgets to take into account one fact. The fact is that yellow cedar in the lower elevation where climate is warmer suffers more damages than the high elevation where the climates is cool. Moreover, he says that the climate change indeed makes the trees more sensitive than they used to be. But this change is not severe enough to kill them. Thus, the third hypothese in the reading is totally unsounded楼主可以换个词,比如unreasonable.

发表于 2012-8-28 12:16:17 | 只看该作者
TPO 24
The reading text talks about some evidences that may reveal materials which seem to be remains of soft tissue of T.rex. On the contrary, the speaker does not agree with the viewpoints in the reading, and he says that scientists need to be skeptical about their conclusion.

First, in contrast to what has been said in the reading text that the remains in the channels of T.rex are blood vesels, the professor argues that there may be another reasons of these remains. He then explains that bacterias lived in these channels long after the T.rex died. Therefore the soft remains might be the residue of these bacteria conlonies(colonies). This directly contradicts its counterpart in the reading text.

Second, the speaker states that the origion of spheres may not be the red blood cells, which is one evidence for soft tissue in the passage. He further says that other fossils found in the same place also contain the same type of spheres, and these animal did not had red blood cells when they were alive. As a result, these spheres are unlikely to be red blood cells, the professor guesses that the origion of these spheres may be some redish minerals.

Third, the professor points out that collagen can not be kept for more than 100, 000 years, while the fossil of T.rex is more than 70, 000, 000 years' old. He says that this contradict our knowledge of collagen nowadays. Then the professor explains that the source of the collagen may be from the skin of the researchers who was handling the fossil, since their skin also contains collagen. Therefore, the idea in the reading text is totally unsounded, according to the professor.
发表于 2012-8-28 13:13:49 | 只看该作者
The reading text talks about the benefits of offering four-day workweek to employees. On the contrary, the speaker disagree
s with this viewpoint, saying that this option will not affect the situation as in the ways that the passage suggests.

First, in contrast to what the author says in the passage that the shortened workweek would increase the profits of companies; the professor states that doing this will cost the company more money, even a lot more. He then explains that companies have to spend money on training and buying insurance for new employees, and the cost of medical insurance is same for workers either they work five days or four days.
In addition, companies need more office spaces and computers, the cost of which will quickly cut into company profits.

Second, the professor argues that this option will not reduce the unemployment rate as the author says in the reading text. The reason is that hiring new workers is so costly that companies
would not necessarily hire more people; they might even expect four-day workweek workers to do the same amount of work as they previously do. Thus, this new policy will neither create new jobs, nor it can help s to maintain the present pleasant feeling of workers. This directly contradicts its counterpart in the reading text.

Third, opposite to what have said in the passage that a four-day workweek will be good for workers to enhance their life quality, the professor points out some risks relating to employees who work four days a week. He states that four-day’s workweek workers' work stability cannot be ensured, which leads to not only one result that they will be the first ones to lose their jobs during depression, but also they will lose the opportunity to
of promotion because companies are more willing to choose five-days’ workweek workers as managers for the supervision for the entire workweek. Therefore, these benefits provided in the reading text are totally unsound ed, according to the professor.

发表于 2012-8-28 14:48:35 | 只看该作者
TPO one  independent wirting

Nowadays, an increasing number of people become more focus on school educaiton(education) whether for themselves or for their children(小k,这句话我用中式英语能完全明白,但我不确定这样的表达地道,). One of these questions under debate is should universities and colleges pay as important attention to sports and  social activities as classes and libraries. There is no denying that both of them play an important role to the healthy deveopment of students. But as the statements saying  that universities and colleges should equal sports and social activities to classes and libraries with finanlcial supports, which  is one point I can not agree with from my point of view for the following reasons.

Firstly, on no account that we can reject the fact(小k这里的从句套从句的用法,我觉得放在TS有点让人抓不住重点,小k你再读读看,词用得很好,但读起来有点头轻脚重,个人意见哈~~呵呵) that the main role of universities and colleges is to educate students, which is contrary to sports and social activities to some extent. In the first place, I must admit the fact some special universities and colleges are available for students cultivating  their professional skills on sports and activities. Therefore it is unnecessary to give the same amount of mony(MONEY) to sports and social activities in common universities and colleges. Hardly can one imagine the fact that all students and professors in one university are all enjoy doing sports and taking part in social activities, but(but not) the quality of classes and libraries are remian to be desired.

In the second place, students have sufficient time to do sports and social activities after graduation, which means that they need to pay much attention to study during their schools years. One point that no one can deny is that there is a difference between the entire environment of a university campus and a local residental community. It is obvious that on campus students can concnetrate on their study since there are less factors that distract them such as crowd population, loud noises and so forth. (第二段写得比较符合小k的风格~~呵呵,论证很详细)

In addition, I have to admit that sports and social activites are equally important for students as classes and library to some degree, but it is not to say they should receive the same financial support. As we all know,(小k, 我觉得这里如果举个数据例子会更有说服力) the budget of every university and college is not enough to support all of these things. If the limited money are divided into two parts, the result may be that there will be not enough money to build a library or to provide enough money to support one important class.(这里把class换成research什么的会不会更好?)

In sum, the main role of universities and colleges is to educate students, and students can have enough time to enjoy sports and social activities after they leave school. In addition, money may not sufficient for these institutions to support all of them. Therefore, I firmly believe that universities and colleges should spend more money on class and libraries.

小k 的风格是论证很清晰,逻辑很严密,因为有看过你以前的习作,所以觉得这篇没有前面那么出彩(个人意见~~哈哈),我有点点小建议,我觉得小K的模板句用得有点点频繁,虽然有助于逻辑的表达,但让人读起来并不是很流畅,不过~总体来说,字数很够,逻辑严密,例子独到,是我对小k的印象,加油~~
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-29 11:01:24 | 只看该作者
agree or disagree? If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies

Would you agree with me of the point that children who spend most of their spare time on TV programs or movies will never perform well at school? Although some may emphasize the fact that  some talented students can study well even they do not spend much time on it, most people would with me on this point that if most children wnat to perform well at school, their time spending  on TV programs and movies should be limited by parents.

To begin with, since the lacking of self-control is one character of young children, they are easily attricated by TV programs and movies. Hardly can we imagine that if children spend most of time and energy on watching TV or movies, they could have enough time to concentrate on their study and to finish their daily homework on time. Moreover,  one of the bad results of spending too much time on watching TV or movies is that children will sleep on class as they can not have sufficient time to sleep at night. Then, they can not grasp the mian point made by teachers at school, which means they need additional time to deal with all of the knowledge teachers taught in the class after they come home.

Another point I need to stress is that mental and physical illnesses are coming after if children spend too much time on TV programs and movies, such as they become solitary and myopic. In this case, parents need to take action as soon as possible before things get worse. One of my friends Mike liked watching movies, especially action movies. He might drop off one whole day's classes in order to watch a movies off campus. Later, his fater heard about his situation from my  chinese teacher, and he forced Mike to spend all of his time on studying. The outsome was obvious, without time and energy spending on watching movies, Mike made quite a progress in his study.

Of course, I have to admit the fact that some educational TV programs and movies are beneficial for children' study and their futuer career as well. A sea of information is provided on TV nowadays compared with the past. But it is not to say that things are all good whether children addicted to watch these programs or not. The most imporant factor is that children should properly use these facilities.

In conclusion, young children lack self-control and they may become solitray and myopic if they spend too much time on watching TV programs or movies. Even if some programs and movis are educational, the time they spent on wacthing them should be limited.

The reading passage talks about the advantages of working in a team. On the contrary, the lecturer is skeptical about these advantages. He cites an example of a company who used this method, which turned out to be unsucessful after six months, to illustrate his opinion.

First, according to the reading, more people are available in a group, and they also have more solutions to fulfill the project. In contrast, the professor argues that the company who used this method showed that the same workers were likely to become free-riders when they were in a group. And when the group made some successes, they were assigned to the group as a whole.

Second, when asking about the feelings of some workers who have really made insightful contributions, they just say they feel opposite to what is said in the reading. Because their contribution are attributed to the group, and no individual's  name is cited except that of the group.

Third, the reading says that because so many people involved in a group project, the project can be finished rapidly. On the other hand, the professor explains that the fact is that it takes long time to make an agreement among all the members since they need to hold many meetings in order to make consensus between group members. Moreover, some influencial members in the group tend to perform only based on their own wishes and ignore other ideas. Most of the time they make a dicision without discussion, even when other members warn that the direction of that decision may be wrong. If their decision is proved to be a mistake, all the group members would be blamed.
发表于 2012-8-29 16:23:26 | 只看该作者
The reading passage talks about the advantages of working in a team. On the contrary, the lecturer is skeptical about these advantages. He cites an example of a company who used this method, which turned out to be unsucessful after six months, to illustrate his opinion.(开头不错)

First, according to the reading, more people are available in a group, and they also have more solutions to fulfill the project. In contrast, the professor argues that the company who used this method showed that the same workers were likely to become free-riders when they were in a group. And when the group made some successes, they were assigned to the group as a whole.

Second, when asking about the feelings of some workers who have really made insightful contributions, they just say they feel opposite to what is said in the reading. Because their contribution are attributed to the group, and no individual's  name is cited except that of the group.

Third, the reading says that because so many people involved in a group project, the project can be finished rapidly. On the other hand, the professor explains that the fact is that it takes long time to make an agreement among all the members since they need to hold many meetings in order to make consensus between group members. Moreover, some influencial members in the group tend to perform only based on their own wishes and ignore other ideas. Most of the time they make a dicision without discussion, even when other members warn that the direction of that decision may be wrong. If their decision is proved to be a mistake, all the group members would be blamed.写得很好呢~点都覆盖到了~加油
发表于 2012-8-29 19:50:52 | 只看该作者
8月28日 独立批改
agree or disagree? If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies
错误      建议       好  

Would you agree with me of the point that children who spend most of their spare time on TV programs or movies will never perform well at school? Although some may emphasize the fact that some talented students can study well even(我觉得even if (即使)更好) they do not spend much time on it, most people would (少个动词agree)with me on this point that if most (+of)(其实我觉得这里句意上不需要用most, “如果孩子想在学校表现突出,他们中的大多数{排除你前文说的天才}应该被家长限制时间”而不是“如果大多数孩子想学习好…”,most的修饰对象不对) children wnat(拼写want) to perform well at school, their time spending on TV programs and movies should be limited by parents. (以提问形式开头,并提出一种对立的观点,然后讲出自己的观点,挺好的。)

To begin with, since the lacking of self-control is one character of young children, they are easily attricated(拼错了,attracted) by TV programs and movies. Hardly can we imagine that if children spend most of time and energy on watching TV or movies, they could have enough time to concentrate on their study and to finish their daily homework on time. Moreover, one of the bad results of spending too much time on watching TV or movies is that children will sleep on class as they can not have sufficient time to sleep at night. Then, they can not grasp the mian point made by teachers at school, which means they need additional time to deal with all of the knowledge teachers taught in the class after they come home.  

Another point I need to stress is that mental and physical illnessesare coming after if children spend too much time on TV programs and movies, such as they become solitary and myopic. In this case, parents need to take action as soon as possible before things get worse. One of my friends Mike liked watching movies, especially action movies. He might (这里是在讲述一个已经发生的过去的事情,不用might了,直接用过去时讲述就好)drop off(drop off 木有逃课的意思哦,有减少,下车,和睡觉的意思。逃课可以说cut classes)one whole day's classes in order to watch a movies(a movies???) off campus. Later, his fater(拼写) heard about his situation from my chinese teacher, and he forced Mike to spend all of his time on studying. The outsome(改outcome) was obvious, without time and energy spending on watching movies, Mike made quite a progress(此处没有a, progress 是不可数名词。固定搭配也没有,是 make progress。) in his study.(study 表示研究,可以说academic performance )   (这段的例子没有体现这段的main idea: 看电视电影会引起孩子心理上和身体上的疾病:孤独和近视。这个逃课看电影的例子,更适用于上一段说的没有self-control而导致学习问题。这段应该说比如看电视多了的孩子不愿意与人交往从而孤僻,缺少朋友;身体上的illness就说比如现在近视的孩子越来越多,可以描述他们大都带着Thick glasses。)

Of course, I have to admit the fact that some educational TV programs and movies are beneficial for children' study and their futuer career as well. A sea of information is provided on TV nowadays compared with the past. But it is not to say that things are all good whether children (+are,固定用法:be addicted to)addicted to watch these programs or not. (画线部分改if在句意上比较通)The most imporant factor is that children should properly use these facilities.  

In conclusion, young children lack (+of)self-control and they may become solitray(拼写) and myopic if they spend too much time on watching TV programs or movies. Even if some programs and movis(movies) are educational, the time they spent on wacthing them should be limited.

结构清晰,但论述和例证有待提高。语言上还需要多斟酌。注意小拼写错误。 加油~  有问题一起讨论~
还有 谢谢你哦 把我前一天忘记占座的那篇也批改了~MUA~~~
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