5 月13日11.12.9 NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life. (补充:觉得更准确的表述是 Your job has more effect on yourhappiness than your social life does.)
Undoubtedly, job is the major composition of our daily life. We spend enormoustime doing everyday work in order to earn money and finishing the assignmentsociety brings us. However, does job have more effect on one’s happiness thansocial life does? From my perspective, I am supportive of the oppositeviewpoint, that is (is 去掉吧,这样that 是opposite viewpoint的同位语从句,不然就成了两个句子了呵呵)social life can bring me more pleasure than job does.
To begin with, it isinevitably that when just graduated(graduating,你在查一下,这个主从句主语一致省略从句主语的句式哈,不过sang很棒哦,这样的句式都记得并且运用到作文中,我就只记得高中天天做题O(∩_∩)O~)from university, I choose job at the mere wish to find us (us?前面是I) a social position or earn money. In this way, I unavoidably makesacrifice in front of the huge temptations, such as social statue and wealth,namely neglect my own interest as well as ambition. (建议这之前的I都改错people吧)One of my school-fellow, who has already obtained PHD ofchemistry in a well-known university overseas (这个我看举例子,一般直接要说出哪个学校的,编也好)and performsperfectly in such areas, decides to be a consultant just because of thebrightness future and the tempted salary. Consequently, his career becomes muchmore arduous than expected and he spends day and night dealing with businessesand clients which really drives him crazy, not to mention the countless time in the way(改成on which he spent). Thisseemingly brilliant job didn’t bring him any sense of happiness.(貌似开头木有ts,这段明显长句一个接一个)。。长句合理分配在整个文章里吧)
On the contrary, I am inclined to have more freedom choosing my socialactivities. I can participate in all kinds of clubs, visit my old friends whojust live in my vicinity, or access to theater and cinema at the mere wish (用过了,可以换成in the mere hope of realizing)to realize spiritual enjoyment. The priority of takingtheir personal feelings into consideration guarantees the sense of happiness.To a large degree, social life functions as contribution to our lifesentimentally. In contradiction, it is occupation that forces me to weighbetween interests and benefits.
Admittedly, a job identical to my appetite does exert profound influence on mysense of pleasure. At that note, I am able to handle my works with greatestpassion and enthusiasm. However, this kind of situation does not happen invariablybecause I feel oblige (obliged)to take allfactors into consideration. And it is common that, especially for people inChina, money stands first, then comes happiness.
In a nutshell, according to the reasons above, I am definitely under the impression that sociallife plays a more overwhelming part when it comes to one’s happiness than jobdoes.(我觉得把one’s 去掉,然后将when it comes to happiness放到that后面吧,不过我一般在开头用when it comes to 这个句式,现在发现sang用在结尾很棒哎O(∩_∩)O~ )
超时吖55.写着写着感觉出了审题错误,这个effect除了正面也可以是负面影响的吖..所以不知道这样写会不会算偏题? 还有这个题目中的your,和平时以大众角度写的感觉很要费一番功夫吖.. 求狠拍!!
[本帖最后由 sang824 于 13小时32分钟前 编辑] To sang 在写的过程中和你出现了同样的过程,负面影响—我觉得应该不算偏题,最多算论述不全面。。。。 根据题目中的可数名词job用的是单数,所以可以推断是小众,,,雨巷发现sang读的很细O(∩_∩)O~赞一个 另外还是最重要的TS! |